0 Tributes for “Victoria Ahlgren

    Dear, Rick. Im sorry to hear your loss of your wife vickie my heart goes out to you. I will keep you in my prayers. please take care for now your friend dale.
    Dale McKeever
    New Lenox, IL

    Vickie was one of the most beautiful persons I have ever known. She was also one of my very best friends.

    I met Vickie about 5 years ago when she started working at Wal-Mart.

    Before I even talked to her for the first time, I heard that laugh! For anyone that hasn’t heard it, it sort of reminds you of a car trying to start, but just will never turn over! Whenever Vickie laughed, everyone laughed! Breaks at work will never be as much fun without Vickie!

    I’ll always remember when our favorite store manager, Steve, would say, “Lora, move away from Vickie” during our morning meetings…because we would always start laughing about something. Or not being allowed to sit next to Vickie during Department Managers meetings…because I would make her laugh! We both tried so hard not to make eye contact!

    We both shared our passion for the Green Bay Packers. Okay, truth be told, Brett Farve! We don’t care who he is playing for, he is beautiful!! We both shared in the joy of the Vickings kicking the Packers butt this year…just wish Brett would of nailed Thompson in the head with one of his perfect throws!

    Vickie introducded me to a guy named Sam 4 years ago. It took her almost 6 weeks to convince me to meet him. I resisted, she pleaded. I thank God often for Vickie introducing me to “Sam”, who became my husband on September 12th this year. She knew!

    Vickie, I’m sure you are happy with all the Wal-Mart friends that came to say good-bye. I know you are happy that one of your favorite managers, Mike, was there.

    Customers and sales will always be number one…but if you die, you get mentioned in the morning meeting and associates won’t get in trouble for leaving early (tardy!) to go to your funeral!! Woot! Woot!!

    I could keep going on and on, Vickie is laughing!

    Vickie made my world a better place and I’m a better person because of her.

    I will miss “my Vickie” every day for the rest of my life!!

    Lora Hensley
    Escanaba, MI

    Vickie you will be missed deeply by your friends at Wal-mart. I so enjoyed working with you in the Deli and the friendship we developed over our 5 years working together. I will never forget that contagious laugh that made people laugh right along with you even if they had no idea what was going on. I will miss you!!!!!!

    Ann Severinsen
    Escanaba, MI

    I keep reading this and looking at her picture and can’t believe it. We all are going to miss her. She gave us all alot of good memories alot of laughter. We are going to miss her so much. Our thought and prayers are with you. Debbie

    Debbie Lyle
    Escanaba, MI

    Today we laid you to rest at your final resting place. Spent the remainder of the day with your two Aunts Eva & Charlotte & both Uncle Franks reading the letters I saved that you wrote me 36 years ago. We laughed,we cried, we cried & laughed again. Wow why did I save those letters for all these years I asked myself? Now I know why!!!! Thanks for the awesome memories . I will hold them forever dear to my heart. We’ll miss you forever & ever girl. You said it best ” Love is having you for a cousin”

    Theresa Madden
    Gladstone, MI

    I don’t know what to say!!! Vickie and I have not seen or talked to each other in too many years!!! I am sooo sorry Maryann and Todd, Mr. Taylor and Vickies Husband! Vickie was a special person, she had a big heart!! Life is too short, don’t put off telling someone how special they are! Vickie, I’m sorry and I miss you!

    Linda (Cassell) Haan
    Rockford, MI

    I met Vicki many years ago she also had a happy smile on her face she was a fun person to be with my prayers go out to her family during this difficult time

    Judy Warner
    Escanaba, MI

    I have known Vickie for almost 6 years now. We both started at walmart at the same time and worked in the deli together for a year. Vickie was hilarious, caring hard working, and did I mention hilarious? The first day I met her I will never forget, i asked her if that was seriously her real laugh, and she laughed even harder. I knew then that we would be great friends. I will sadly miss Vickers. My heart goes out to her family.

    Pam LaPlant (Smocker)
    Gladstone, MI

    Vicki was a very special lady.She made everyone laugh. She will be missed by the ladies in the vision center(the smockers). My thoughts and prayers are with the family and all the friends the she leaves behind. God Bless

    Brenda Kay
    Bark River, MI

    Although I didn’t know Vickie personally, I do know her sister Maryann. As I know family traits are often shared, and how wonderful her sister is, the loss of someone so dear must be devastating. My condolences to her family, and to Maryann. My thoughts are with you in this difficult time.

    Natalie “Romps” Larson
    Houghton, MI

    I am so sorry for your loss. Vickie was a wonderful person, always laughing and smiling. I worked with her and she is also good friends with my mom, Beth. My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time.

    Amie (Good) Krueger
    Marion, WI

    I started working with Vickie a little over a year ago, and I am so thankful I got to know her. She was a caring person, and laughed easily. And once she got going you couldn’t help but laugh with her. She loved her family very much, and she will be missed by those who knew her.

    Kim Keeton O’Donnell
    Gladstone, MI

    I worked with Vickie for two years in the Deli at walmart. We became very close over those two years and continued that friendship when I left Walmart to work for the YMCA. Vickie is one of the most amazing people I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know. I have so many fond memories of her that I will charish forever. She was like a second mom to me. She could always brighten my day with her silly laugh. That is something I will always remember about her. I will truely miss her.

    Mandy Vincent….aka Marge 🙂
    Escanaba, MI

    Vickie was such a loving, warm and generous person. Her wonderful laugh was infectious and you couldn’t be in the same room with her without a smile on your face. Put her together with her wonderful sister Maryann ( my sister-in-law ) and they were amazing. She will be sadly missed as she made the world a brighter place. We can all take comfort in the fact that she is safely home with our Lord. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the loving family and friends that she left behind. As for my family we were blessed to have known her.

    With love,

    Troy, Lisa, Kali & Greg Nelson
    Grand Rapids, MI

    To the family of Victoria Algren, although I didn’t know Vickie personally I heard she was a very giving, happy, and loving person. Rick, I am sure she was so happy because she meet and married you. You should feel greatful that you made those years with you, (from what I am told) some of the happiest in her whole life. We offer our sincerest sympathy to you and all her loved ones in your great loss.

    Cheri and Larry Lippens
    Rock, MI

    Vickie was a wonderful person. She was always full of life. It didn’t take much to make her laugh, and when she did, everyone would laugh with her. Once you heard her laugh you could never forget it. She was a loving and caring person. She loved her family, husband and dog so much. She talked to me almost every day about them. I have had the pleasure of knowing Vickie for the past 3 years. She started out as my boss in the deli at Wal-Mart and quickly turned into a mother figure in my life (mine lives out of town), a “Grandmother” to my son Trevor, and mostly she became my best friend. I will always love her like a sister and will never forget her. GOD bless you Rick, Mary Ann, Todd and Larry with helping you in the loss of Vickie. Know that there are plenty of her friends that are here for you if you need anything at all. Vickie has touched many hearts and will never be forgotten. Love, OOMPA

    Michelle Cabanaw (OOMPA)
    Escanaba, MI

    Vicki was sweet and very understanding of others. She will be missed by all who knew her and those who did not will never know what a special asset she was to her families lives. Love You vicki

    Ellie Nickell
    Bark River, MI

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