0 Tributes for “Tom Hess

    My dad (Tom Hess) was a brave man! We all miss him SO much! <3 love you dad<3~Maddy Hess

    Madison Hess
    Belleville MI

    We love and miss u soooooooo much!!

    Belleville, MI

    My dearest Tom.............as one year approaches since you've left us tomorrow.............I cannot begin to express to you how our lives have changed since you are not a part of them anymore. The numbness is lifting a bit each day, but the deep down hurt/pain in our hearts, I am convinced will remain forever. I still expect for you to walk in when the door opens unexpectedly, I go to the phone often to tell you something or to invite you to supper. I hear you saying "What's for supper Moopsie?" in my head often, and I hope that will never fade completely. I thank you for everything you contributed to this life and to our family in your very, very short time here. Especially those beautiful two children of yours. You will live forever in them for all of us. Know that I will love you and miss you as long as there is a breath in me. Knowing that you are in a beautiful place and no longer sick, suffering and cold gives me a little bit of solace. Until we meet again Beautiful Boy..........Love Mom

    Becki Hess
    Gladstone, MI

    I miss you dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Belleville, MI

    Happy 28th birthday in heaven sweet boy........We all miss you so much and our hearts ache for you every day. I know you are warm now and healthy for the first time in a long, long time. I talk to your babies every day and will be spending spring break with them. Love you and miss you so much, Love Mom

    Becki Hess
    Gladstone, MI

    Happy 28th Birthday, we love and miss you so much....I hope ur enjoying the chocolate, cherry nut cake that i'm sure grandma made for u 🙂

    Love Always...Laura, Gary, Corey and Morgan

    Wells, MI

    My mother just informed me of Tom's passing and I am at a loss for words. While I have lost touch with Tom over the years, I went to school with him at James T. Jones and it is hard for me to believe that he has passed at such a young age. I have fond memories of Tom. From basketball practice, to baseball games, being impressed by his drawings in class, and even fake WWF matches in his front yard on an old mattress... Tom was an awesome friend and everyone loved to be around him.

    To his family, I am sorry for your loss. Take comfort in knowing that, without doubt, he is in a better place. May God be with all of you in healing from this loss.

    Jason Barnes
    Seattle, WA

    Tom, we all are missing you very much. There is not a moment each day that I'm not thinking about you. I was proud to have had you has my cousin and you made so many people proud. I will never forget all your stories and how absolutely hillarious you were. I definately see your humor in Maddie and Alex. They are both amazing kids who were lucky to have you for a daddy. You are healthy now and I can't wait 'til we can all meet again and have one "huge" Hess reunion. Basically, save a table for about 10 :0) That should hold the family. We miss you and Love you! Give Gram a hug and kiss. I love you!

    *See You Soon*

    Jenny Hess and MacKenzie
    Gladstone, MI

    As a fellow classmate Ron, I send my sympathy to you & your family for the great loss of your son.


    Cheryl Bernard (Kalishek)
    DeTour Village, MI

    "Liebe und Gedanken sind fuer immer!!!"
    Du wirst immer bei uns sein... love you Tom

    Lisa Hess
    Schweinfurt, GE

    My prayers are with your family. I'm glad I was able to know Tom throughout our school years at Gladstone. He was funny and kind and will be missed. How tragic for the class of 1999 to lose another classmate so tragically. May God be with you all.

    Melissa Mariin-Aho
    Escanaba, MI

    Tom will always be remembered as a nice, caring, and funny guy. He will also be remebered as a brave man, who battled his illness everyday to the best of his ability. When thinking of Tom, I will always remember the life he had, and that he let nothing stand in his way. You are all in my prayers.

    Ginger Willemsen
    Gladstone, MI

    Dear Becky,

    I am so sorry. As I read Tom's obituary, the tears come and my heart breaks anew. Tom sounds so much like my son, John Paul, who also lived his short life to the fullest. Please know that you all continue in my prayers and thoughts.God Bless You!

    Dorothy Lamberg Kollmann
    Escanaba, MI

    Being a member if the Delta County Search & Rescue Team with Tom, I can attest to what a wonderful person he was. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Mike Sands
    Escanaba, MI

    Goodbye Tommy. Say hello to Grandma for me, I'll see you on the other side.

    Gladstone, MI

    Tom had an infectious smile and a witty sense of humor that I felt honered to experience. And a tenacity in life that humbled me. You will be greatly missed, but proudly remembered.

    Chris Hess
    Gladstone, MI

    Becky, Ron, and family,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I had talked to Ron on Monday and knew Tom was weak but I prayed that he would be well again. My son Nick went to school with Tom and remembered when he had his first transplant and how wonderful that was. Your son was everything anyone would want in a son. His accomplishments in his short life were many. I know how proud you are of him. Our family will be thinking of you in the days to come. With sympathy.

    Lynn, Harland and Nick Deneau
    Gladstone, MI

    I will never forget all the fond memories I have of Tom growing up. How blessed was I to have such a great neighbor and friend. My prayers and thoughts are with the Hess family at this time.

    Kristy Dumas-Richer
    Las Vegas, NV

    I was always fond of Tom, and have some great memories of him, especially when he dated my daughter, Shannon. He was a character! I loved his smile and his laid back demeanor. No matter what was going on in his life, he always showed care and concern for others. He truly was one of a kind. He will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you all 🙂 God Bless ~

    Tamra (Curran) Fritzler
    Madison, WI

    Tom will be sadly missed. He was my best friend throughout Middle School and the beginning of High School. It's really unfortunate how people lose touch with one another. I will always remember hanging out and playing football/baseball with him. And of course our thoughts on becoming "bounty hunters" as we grew older. My prayers go out to the family.

    Bryan Witter
    Cornell, MI

    Ron, Becky, Bill, and Jamie,

    I'm so sorry to hear about Tom. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I've had a lot of fun with Tom and Bill over the years that I'll never forget. I'm glad that I was lucky enough to have known him and call him a friend.

    Vern Hixon
    Gladstone, MI

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the Hess family.

    Although I didn't know Tom personally I do know some of his family members and I know he will be greatly missed. <3

    Brittany Lanaville
    Gladstone, MI

    To Ron, Becky, Bill, Jamee and Tom's children,

    I am very sorry for the loss of your son, brother and father. Mary Jo kept me updated on his heroic fight, and he was continually in my thaughts. It hurts to know a liver was not available for him, but I draw strengths from knowing him and how hard he faught. Too many people draw the same fate because organs are not available, and I am an advocate of that changing! Stay strong and know that Tom touched many people. My thaughts are with your family during this hard time.

    Stephanie Norkooli
    Marquette, MI

    Hey bro, I miss you more than you could ever possibly imagine. You were my brother and also my best friend. I will never forget you.


    Bill Hess
    Schweinfurt, GE

    Dear Hess Family, You have our heartfelt sympathy and prayers for comfort. We know that Tom will be greatly missed by you and our community. He fought bravely for his health for such a long time and was a shining example of dignity and courage for us all. God bless. Sincerely, Sue & Terry Hampton

    Susan Hampton
    Gladstone, MI

    Tom, I will always love you and you will hold a special place in my heart. I couldn't have picked a better Daddy for my babies! We will always remember you, and I will make sure they know what a special person you were. Good Bye sweetie, Love Always, Missy

    Melissa Hess
    Belleville, MI

    Didn't know Tom personally, but hearing his storey is a great inspiration and my heart goes out to his family and friends. God Bless.

    Escanaba, MI

    I got to know Tom many years ago. I knew him as an employee and as a neighbor, but most of all as a friend. His positive attitude and work ethic were contagious in spite of everything he had been through, and he was always trying to get ahead with his family in mind first. I love you Tom.

    Dan Bjorkquist
    Gladstone, MI

    My sympathy goes out to the Hess family for your tragic loss. He was always like my little brother that I never had when we were neighbors. I will always have memories of the great times we had when we were out playing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    Jason Boden
    Virginia Beach, VA

    My dad fought a big battle with a rare liver disease he would not stop fighting.On January 28,2009 he passed away we were all sad but we stayed stronge. Daddy you will always be in our heart, mind and spirit.We will always remember you and always love you very very very very very very very very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maddie "Daddy's little girl"
    Gladstone, MI

    You never failed to make us smile and make us laugh- with your incredible sense of humor, and you always lit up the room with your presence. I couldn't have asked for a better big brother. You fought a good, long battle, Tom, and we know you gave it everything you had. Go, now, and be at peace... I love you and I will always carry you with me in my heart, wherever I go.

    I'll be seeing you.

    Jamee Hess
    Escanaba, MI

    Thank you for being my son. It is an honor and a privilidge to be your Mama. What an inspiration you have been to so many. The world is a better place because you were in it! You are warm now!! Until we meet again.............

    Gladstone, MI

    I've had the privliege of working with Tom at Gladstone Super Valu when his long journy begin. He will always be remembered for his laughing and understanding. He enjoyed life nonmatter what was thrown at his.

    Rapid River, MI

    Ron and Becky,

    I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. Your son sounds like a wonderful person who kindly touched many lives and left the world a better place. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sally O'Connell
    Boston, MA

    Dearest Becki, Ron, Madison, Alex, Billy, Lisa, Aiden, Jamee, Mike, Melissa and family,
    We would like to express our deepest heartfelt sympathy to all of you!
    With all our love! Heide, Billy, Traci, Roy, Brad, Emily, Walker, Lily Grace and Brent Hinds

    The Heide & Billy Hinds Family
    Birmingham, AL

    Tom and I met back in 2002 during the Police Academy at Northern. He brought an incredible amount of laughter to the class. We all developed lifelong friendships because of his humor. He taught us how to laugh and enjoy life. It was hard to be upset during class because he was always putting smiles on our faces. We will all miss him.

    Brad Isaacson "IKE"
    Milwaukee, WI

    My Dearest Tommy,

    Your beautiful being and smile will be in my heart and mind forever!! Soon YOU WILL be sitting next to me on the boat dock taking in the warm sun with a slight warm breeze, watching your Aunt catch fish and I'll be watching you eating all the King crab legs you can eat with butter dripping from your smiling face! I Love You! Aunt Heide

    Heide Hinds
    Birmingham, AL

    Tom was also a classmate of mine in the NMU police academy of 2002. He was quite the character. My condolences to his family.

    Brandon Tauer
    Ironwood, MI

    Dear Becky & Ron,

    My deepest sympathy to you & your family over the loss of your son. My heart breaks for you, no parent should have to bury their children. I was very close to losing our son, 10 years ago & I know I am very fortunate that he is with us today. My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.

    Judy Diehl
    Pensacola, FL

    My most sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of Tom.

    I attended the police academy with Tom and my prayers go out to you

    Brandon Snyder NMU Police Acedemy Class 11/02
    Ironwood, MI

    Ron, Becky, Bill & Jamee,

    It was an honor and a privilege to have known and worked with Tom these past 7 years. He was a really good person and he touched the lives of many.

    Joe T
    Escanaba, MI

    To the Hess Family:

    Tom will always have a piece of my heart. I adored him. My warmest wishes are for you all. He was nothing but wonderful to me and I will never forget his charm and that constant humor. He made me smile on the worst of days. I am blessed to have had him be a part of my life. My deepest sympathies to you...

    Shannon Curran
    Stevens Point, WI

    Tom was a classmate of mine in the Frank A. Sarvello Class 11/02 (NMU Police Academy). He will be missed by all. My thoughts and prayers are with his family!

    Chris Gerard
    Baraga, MI

    We will always remember Tom's smile and his positive outlook. He always had a funny joke, and a willingness to help anyone who needed it. Tom will be missed by everyone who knew him. He leaves behind a great legacy in Madison and Alex.

    Jim and Michelle Loper and family
    Rapid River, MI

    I am deeply sorry for your loss. Tom was a wonderful classmate all the years I went to school with him from Elementary School till we graduated together in 1999. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family at this diffult time.

    Shannon Gendron-Gagne
    Escanaba, MI

    Good bye my beautiful boy.

    Gladstone, MI

    Becky, Ron, Billy & Jamee,

    My heart is sad - Tom was an inspiration to everyone who knew him. I was proud to have him as a student and to see him try and do as much as he possibly could in his chosen field. My thoughts and prayers are with you all - we've lost someone truly special.

    Susan Sundstrom-Young
    Gladstone, MI

    Becky & Family:

    Sincere sympathy to you and your family. You are in our prayers.

    Lois & John Pinar
    Bullhead City, AZ

    Words cannot express how truly heartbroken I feel for you my wonderful cousins. Tommy was always a bright smiling face..kindness and gentleness he personified. Love and Blessings to you all. We are all here if you need anything at all.

    AnnMarie Jasso
    Gladstone, MI

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