0 Tributes for “Robert Schramm

    My most heartfelt condolences to everyone in your family. I know the shock and the pain seem currently unextinquishable, but the good times will prevail in all our memories. Speaking of which, I remember riding my bike to my grandparents ‘down the road’, and running into a 25 foot (at the very least)Pine Snake… just in front of Kathy Sue’s house. I stopped in to warn her. (I was suppose to go straight to my grandparents – no stopping – to tell them something ‘urgent’ because SOMEONE(?)had been tying up the party line). I reported my “Non-Exaggerated” threat which would surely bring harm to every person in Rapid River and possibly all of Masonville. Kathy Sue was just as excited as I was, so we went and told Bob who was ‘puttsing’ out back in the woods. He listened, but was unmoved by the fear in my voice. Kathy Sue and I went back in to share my tale with Geri. A few moments later we got a yell to come outside from Bob. He proudly announced he had captured “My Snake”, as he held up a tiny little Gardner Snake. I felt so embarrassed, yet never questioned in my mind, that it wasn’t the first snake I had seen… but the cookies were great Geri… Thanks! It’s funny the things you remember from so long ago, and how they must have impacted your life… I am smiling to you all, and laughing in my heart of the great joys we had, no matter how small and insignificant… it was all wonderful. Embrace each other for me. Much Love, Sonya
    Sonya (Vietzke) Marvin
    Haslett, MI

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