0 Tributes for “Robert Roberts

    I miss you so much Dad.
    Jeanne Bartels
    Kingsford, MI

    Merry Christmas Daddy!…You are loved and missed. I know you’ll be with us..in our hearts forever..I love you! Your Caboose.

    AnnMarie Jasso
    Gladstone, MI

    God Bless you Bobby-we had a lot of good times.

    John Gibbs
    Arlington Hts., IL

    A classmate & friend called me this morning to tell me of the sad news of our friend Bobby passing. What a surprise to hear that! Please accept our sorrow and & sympathy for losing such a nice man with such a nice sense of humor. When we were kids in Chatham, he always made everything fun with his brother Bill….He will be missed so much by so many people. You probably don’t remember me Barb, but I truly feel your hearache for your loss. So Sorry….Just remember all the beautiful memories you can cherish in your heart!


    Joe & Vicky(Hill) Shega
    Traunik, MI

    When there’s a tear in your eye, and we have to say goodbye, and words are hard to find, the whole world stops, and a rainbow appears, but it was thunder in the evening,gentle rains fell,frogs peeped for a new begining, Angels up on high, sung heavens lullabuy. I’ve grown up with all of ya. From Jessie,my sister Patty’s friend, Jim, Joe, My best friend Jeannie, Mickey, Ann, and then I met Mary!! Barb, she’s as beautiful as you !! Time goes by too fast!! My love & sympathy is with all of you, Treasure the memories, they grow fonder every day.

    Mia (Waeghe) Maki
    Gladstone, MI

    Grandpa always made people laugh, even up until the very end. I always loved hunting season, because he would be up at camp and we would sit there and play cards and sit by the woodstove. When I was little Grandpa would take me on 3-wheeler rides up at camp too. Grandpa will be missed by all, he was a great man.

    Love you Grandpappy!

    Jen Roberts
    Gladstone, MI

    Barb, the crew (all 7 of you), Kath, and Renee:

    I was so sad for all of you when I got the call Saturday morning about Bobby passing away. It is so hard to lose your Dad no matter what age you are. Barb-I am happy for you and your family that you had such a beautiful 50th celebration a while back. More and more memories to treasure forever! Know that he is reunited with Uncle Tyke, Aunt El and Billy. Your kids and grandbabies still need you here, but now you have one more angel watching over all of you. And to all of you kids- you have years and years of memories to hold onto and to help with the pain. Take care of your Mom and remember to lean on each other and all of us that love you so much. I smiled writing this thinking of all the FUN Roberts’ family reunions we used to have down at the pavillion every summer.

    Love you guys, BIG HUG

    Becki (Roberts) Hess
    Gladstone, MI

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