8 Tributes for “Rita McDonnell

    Rita was such a wonderful person. I enjoyed the many conversation/visits we had together in her kitchen in White Pine.Thank you to Rita and family for being a part of the Warrior community. Memories Forever!

    My deepest sympathies on your mom’s passing. Rita was a really nice lady who always made you feel welcome in her home and she was certainly part of what made White Pine a truly great place to grow up in the 1960s and ’70s.

    We want to extend our deepest sympathy to all the family on the loss of Rita, a beautiful lady. I (Kay) lived by your family in Senter and then after I was married we lived 3 doors from your family in White Pine. Love and prayers to you all.

    I will love you always Aunt Rita and I shall treasure the beautiful memories of what a special Auntie you were to me. Many of my childhood memories are of the times our families spent together and the many Summers staying with you and Uncle Brud in White Pine. I will miss you. All my love, thoughts and prayers are with you Glennie,Kim,Craig,Brett and families.

    Rita was one of my best friends in White Pine. We enjoyed our coffee time together starting at the old Konteka with Connie Mukavitz and Eleanor Helakoski. So many wonderful memories. Kim, Craig and Brett, you are in my prayers.

    Dear McDonnell family, with deep sorrow we learned of Rita’s passing. Barb and I sincerely enjoyed our time with Rita. We always appreciated her unwavering support of our fine school system and remember doing a lot of laughing in her company. Barb vividly recalls Rita dozing off during a conversation, letting us to realize how truly boring we must be! We were richer for knowing Rita and we offer our heartfelt prayers to all in this trying time. With love and best regards.

    Kim ,Glennie, Craig and Brett, You have my sympathy for the loss of your mom. I so enjoyed living next to you during my grade school years. I am glad I could read about your mom and dad’s early life together. They were such a loving couple.

    So sorry about your Mom. She was one of my best friends in White Pine. I have so many happy memories of times with her.

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