0 Tributes for “Richard Schlosser

    I’ve known the Schlossers since they moved to Gladstone in 1976. Jim and I became best friends. They became my second parents. I spent much of my time as a teenager at their house. They have always been kind and generous to everyone. Dick always knew what to say to put a smile on my face. As I took up an interest in woodworking, Dick let me use his tablesaw & gave me advice on some of the projects I made. He made sure to tell me I couldn’t use his saw again if I cut any of my fingers off. I moved to Colorado and when my family and I came back to visit,they let us stay in their “summer home.” Dick will always have a special place in my heartand I will miss him.
    Jim and Janet Benson
    Denver, CO

    Mrs. Schlosser,

    I’m terribly sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. I wish you peace of mind in a sorrowful time. You were very lucky to have someone who loved you so very much.

    Prayers and blessings,

    Katie Richards
    Houghton, MI

    Betty and family,

    We were saddened to learn of Dick’s death. Please try and find comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering or in pain as God is taking care of him now. Our deepest sympathy,

    Mary Van Dyke, Katie, Josh, Steve and Tom Richards
    City: Escanaba, MI

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