8 Tributes for “Patricia Rae Rajala

    My sympathy to the family of my first babysitter. Enjoyed having her watch my brother and me. She was a great neighbor and special family friend. I’m so sad to hear of her passing.Love, John Cornell

    Diane, Gary and extended family
    Sorry to read of your sister’s passing, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Our sympathies, Phil and Virginia

    I am saddened by the loss of a classmate. I did get to visit for a short time with Pat when I was home for the class reunion. She seemed in good spirits at that time.So sorry for you loss.
    Diane (Hammond) Shimabukuro

    From my Family to yours, We are sorry for loss but remember Mom will always be keeping her eye on you and yours as one of Gods chosen ones

    Grandma, you were the strongest, most compassionate and generous person I knew. Your spirit will live on foreer in our hearts. Spread your wings and fly now. I know you’ll be a beautiful angel. I love you, Gram. Sweet dreams. <3

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