Pastor Gerold D. Brady, age 91, of 2600 South Hill Road, Gladstone, MI died Friday morning December 16, 2005 at the St. Francis Hospital in Escanaba.
Gerold was born January 29, 1914 in Peru, Indiana the son of Harry and Esther (Weisenberger) Brady. He served in the C.C.C.

Jerry was my favorite busdriver, I would ride the whole route just to be with him! Basil Ferris subbed for him once and I came home and told my Dad that busdriver never even smiled at me. I have lots of great memories of Jerry at Long Lake Chapel, Bible drills, singing, playing baseball, roller skating and much more. He was a very special guy and touched a lot of lives. I am sorry for your loss, but, He’s in a much better place.
Ruth Cook
Saginaw, MI
I was saddened to get the news and spent some time remembering so many happy times in church when he would play his guitar and we would sing choruses. And the sweet times of fellowship with him and his dear Pearl. I remember so many times when I would have a personal problem or heartache I would go down to the parsonage and they would kneel with me in prayer. Sometimes they would stop by the house just to see how I was doing. He could weep with us such a tender heart.
After all this remembering and some tears I started to rejoice, knowing that he is up there in the presence of the Lord he served so humbly and faithfully. Praise God.
Viva Ott
Jaclsonville, FL
To the family of Pastor Brady,
I’m sorry for your loss, he was such a wonderful, caring person to all who knew him. I felt so sad at first to hear the news and then felt more overwhelmed of the impact that he made here in Delta county and even before that downstate. I’d like to just write about my own personal history with the greatest Pastor I’ve ever known.
He knew me before I was me! He married my parents in 1969 I believe. Then I came along in 1971 and as far as I know, I attended his church when I was little.
Much later, in 1993, my future husband and I had marriage counseling with he and Pearl. Paul(my husband of 12 years) was saved in Pastor Brady’s kitchen. Pastor Brady was such a joker- I can remember him poking Paul about how to treat a wife and what things were acceptable and pleasing to say to avoid arguments! Then in May, he performed our wedding, his last one as a Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church. What an honor to be his last and that he accepted the offer to do so. He gave more great advice that day, about how ,”divorce is never an option and that marriage should never be entered into with the thought that if it doesn’t work out, we’ll just get divorced.”
Pastor Brady, retired, filled in for our church for quite some time until we found our current pastor.
One other huge event that I must write about is the weekend in 2001. My family all planned to go to Florida over Labor Day weekend to visit my Grandma Ott, Chris, Ken and family. My mom had been up at Grace that Wednesday night before we left. She approached Pastor Brady and asked him to pray for me, in part for the long trip and also because I had not walked with the Lord in so long. She told him that I would be attending Grandma’s church. Well he prayed obviously, and most know, that was the turning point in my life. Pastor Brady was so happy to hear of the news, bless his heart! I was baptized two weeks later at Lake Ellen during a women’s retreat.
One of the last times I spoke with Pastor Brady was at Pearl’s funeral last year. He took me by the shoulders and said, ” Oh Gina, you grew up, why did you do that?”
Even up to this week, I hear that he was still working at the jail ministry. He’s done so much for so many. What a truely faithful servant! He will be missed dearly.
Gina (Ott) Hosking
Bark River, MI
Not having known Pastor Brady during my adult years and only hearing of him through others, I