0 Tributes for “Nathalie Vuksan

    Nathalie was a good friend of ours, she was one of the 1st neighbors we met when we moved here on her block 20 years ago. She will be sadly missed she was a very warm and loving person and meant alot to both of us.
    Chuck and Janice Sprinkle
    Gladstone, MI

    My sympathies to aunt Nath’s family….It’s been a long time since I’ve got to see aunt Nath. However, I do remember her as a wonderful, caring woman with a good sense of humor. I did enjoy visiting with her and uncle Johnny! Unfortunatly our distance inhibited us from doing it more often! But I hold my memories of her/them dearly. God Bless

    Mendi Getz (McClain)
    Taylorville, IL

    So sorry to hear of Aunt Naths passing. She and Uncle Johnny meant so much to us. They always made us feel welcome and we always hated to leave.

    Ron & Brenda McClain
    Findlay, IL

    Rick and Peg and families,

    Will really miss your mother. We always enjoyed our visits there, and have many wonderful memories of time spent with both of your parents. We will not be able to make it up, but please know that we are thinking of all of you and you are in our prayers. Love, Uncle Earl and Lynda

    Earl & Lynda McClain
    Findlay, IL

    I was a neighbor of your mother and she will be sadly missed on our block. She was a very nice person. My prayers are with the family.

    Gladstone, MI

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