0 Tributes for “Monica Lavolette

    To the entire Lavolette family, I would like to express my deepest sympathy to you. Since I was a small child your mom was part of us with my mother, Dottie Lewis and your mom being good friends and belonging to the same gab club plus so many other clubs for so many years. It is so hard to loose your mother, even when you know they had a good life and are now in a better place. My deepest sympathy to all of you,
    Linda Lewis Shaski
    Sault Ste Marie, MI

    Dear Linda, Tom and Dick and families,

    We send our deepest sympathies to you on the loss of your mother.

    From your former neighbors–Mark and Matt Carlson and Susie (Carlson) Neason. Linda, I remember growing up with you and babysitting you at your house! Your Mom was always so nice to me. Remember we would have little pizzas she would leave for us? She always had red wrapped anise candy in the candy dish. We all remember your Dad,too. He had the only electric lawn mower in the neighborhood! Isn’t it funny the things we remember? I hope you can remember all the good times, too. We miss our parents dearly, also, but we know they all are in a better place. Our prayers are with you.

    Sue Neason
    Grand Rapids, MI

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