30 Tributes for “Mike Kadletz

    We’ve lost a great musician. Mike made music wherever he went….in church, for dancing or just campfire listening. Sing and play guitar with the angels, Mike. We give our prayers and deepest sympathy to Dell Jean and Brian. Peace and comfort be with you in God’s name

    Dell Jean, My deepest condolences to you and your family. Mike was sure a great guy…. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Dell Jean & Family Although we didn’t know Mike for that long he sure made us smile & laugh when he played at Amvets. Sunday was a good day, lots of friends got to see & talk to Mike. Our thoughts & prayers are with you & yours a this difficult time. God Bless You. RIP Mike, you will be dearly missed by many.

    Dell, Brian,friends and family members…..I was so saddened to hear of Mike’s untimely passing. To some, it is a blessing that he did not suffer long – but not for those left behind. My heart breaks for you Dell. What a wonderful, loving couple you two have always been. Brian, I’m terribly sorry for your loss – it’s hard to lose a parent at any age. Mike was a wonderful, talented and very kind man. He will be very missed by all. Sending you love, hugs and comfort. Rely on all of your wonderful memories and each other at this seemingly impossible time in your lives….

    Dell Jean & family, Family of MikeI was certainly surprised to hear Mike had passed.
    I am glad I had an opportunity to attend one of
    Mike’s dances in Escanaba. I have a CD of his band and
    will always play it and remember him by. You have my deepest sympathy.

    Dell and Brian we are so sorry for your loss, we know how sadly you will miss him, but remember the Lord moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform, and Mike is now painfree and at peace. God bless you both and know our thoughts are with you.

    Uncle Mike,It was our greatest pleasure to have you in our lives. We are heartfelt sick. We will love you always, and remember all the great talks we shared. You meant the world to us. your music will play on forever . Aunt dell we are so sorry for your loss of a great man. And Brian your dad loved you so very much. Gods Blessings oxoxoxoxo

    Dell Jean & Brian – You have my deepest sympathy in the passing of your husband and Father. I pray that you feel the comfort and love of the Lord at this difficult time. May He grant you peace.

    Dell Jean and family,We are so saddemed tp leearn of Mike’s death. Please know of our sympathies. ‘Distance will prohibit our seeing you at this time, but know of our presence in spirit and prayer. With warmest best wishes to all of you…
    Bill and Chetti Green

    What a loss – not only for the immediate family but for all who knew him. We’ll keep you in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you and bring peace to you, Dell and Brian. Rapid River will never be the same without him. Thank God this life isn’t all there is, and if we believers are correct, we’ll all be together again in God’s Kingdom when our turn comes.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Marty Thomma Morley
    Dayton, Ohio

    My sympathies on your loss. I knew who Mike was from his being in the Rhythm Rockers. To my surprise he was one of the guys in out Ft. Knox Basic Training Platoon. I’ll never forget when he got hold of a guitar and sang some songs for the rest of us. We were all Yoopers in the Platoon except for one fellow and we had the best platoon award in the company. You don’t have to be a star to be remembered. I’ll always remember him singing “Oh, Pretty Woman”.

    Dell Jean: We are so sorry to hear about Mike. He is no longer in pain and is probably singing for joy. We still play the cd’s you sent us and now they will have even more meaning. Love to you all

    Dell Jean, family and friends,I’m so sorry to learn of the death Mike. As others have said, your memories will be there to help in the future. I heard a tribute song for Mike on Wayne Nault’s radio program early this morning. My prayers will remain with you for the challenging days ahead. God Bless all of you.

    Dear Dell and Family, You probably don’t remember me. I think it was 1970-71 that Mike and Bill Kobe and Ron Destrampe and a Dennis (drummer) from Gladstone all had a band together. I was married to Bill Kobe at the time. He worked for the cable company. I am Gale.
    Very sorry to read About Mike. The world lost a GREAT muscian! Know that my thoughts are with you! Bill also passed 3 years ago. We were no longer together tho.
    God’s Peace Be With You and Yours!

    Dear Dell-Jean and BrianOur harts and thoughts goes out to you right now!
    Al of ur has a pair of angelwings waiting for us.
    Mike has just taking his wings and lift off.
    He is also flying right in to our harts.
    And in our harts he still smiling at us, laught with us and singing for us.

    Bettan, H

    Dear Brian and family,
    So sorry to hear of the loss of your father. While I don’t remember him clearly, he sounds like a wonderful person.

    My prayers and condolences to the Kadletz family. I got to know Mike and the rest of the clan when I moved to Twin Lakes. Mike was truly one of the nicest guys around and an extremely talented musician. May you be comforted by Gods grace and the prayers of your friends at this difficult time. Hilty

    Dell Jean,So sorry for your loss and for the loss of a beloved musician. I can remember dancing to the Rhythm Rockers as a young girl (along with Mary Ann) as they practiced in your parents garage. Mike’s gift of music brings back wonderful memories for a lot of people.

    Dell Jean and Brian, We are so sorry for your loss. Mike was a wonderful man and we are so glad we were able to spend time with you when his band played here. Thinking of you and praying for you to have comfort and strength. God bless you.

    Dell Jean & Brian,Please accept my deepest and most sincere condolences on your loss of Mike. I have many fond memories of “Uncle” Mike from my childhood that I will cherish. He was such a good man, who always treated me like I was his niece, I’ll never forget that. You and your entire family will be in my thoughts during this difficult time. Much peace and love to you all.

    It was truly amazing how many people from Mike’s past and present were there to pay him their final respects. The memory CD of music in our possession will be a thoughtful reminder of Mike. Looking forward to our days in heaven to hear Mike’s music again.

    Dear Dell Jean, My heart goes out to you as I can only imagine the loss you are feeling. You and Mike had such a special love that whenever I got to see you both I felt it. His music will live on for so many of us who are proud owners of his precious CDs. He will always be with you in spirit.

    Dear Dell Jean, My heart goes out to you as I can only imagine the loss you are feeling. You and Mike had such a special love that whenever I got to see you both I felt it. His music will live on for so many of us who are proud owners of his precious CDs. He will always be with you in spirit.

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