0 Tributes for “Melvin Larson

    I wish to extend my deepest sympathies to Mel’s family and friends. I was shocked to hear of his passing, and am at a loss as to how someone so vibrant could be gone so quickly. I know this family has been through a lot, losing Bev and Mel so quickly and so close together, and both my family and myself wish to let them know they are in our prayers.
    Cara and Don Brockway
    Rapid River, MI

    In mid-March the Escanaba Rotary Club delivered bud vases of roses to residents of area nursing homes. I had the privilege of doing the deliveries to Christian Park where I saw someone I recognized–Mel Larsen explained how his wife lived there and that he visited often. He thanked us for the roses, and we talked about old times and old friends from the Escanaba A&P–Ernie and Marce LaFave, and others–where my mother had shopped when I was a child in the 1950’s. I was saddened to read of Mrs. Larsen’s death in the Press and felt even more sadness for Mel. Today I know they are together. I hope that my husband dies (and he is only 61), that I can live no more than 6 weeks without him.

    Peace to you–he is no longer alone.

    Jeanne Rose
    Escanaba, MI

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