0 Tributes for “Matthew Szukalowski

    We were so sorry to hear of your loss. Our prayers and thoughts will be with you and your entire family.
    The Wyckoff Family
    Escanaba, MI

    Ruth & family, we are so sorry to hear of your loss, we have many wonderful memories from Boney Falls, the girls speak of you both often. They can’t help but laugh when we watch the videos we made, trying to get a smile out of Matt! And his old Dodge that the kids all thought he should sell them… really cheap! He was a wonderful person… wishing you all the best through this trying time, Frank, Cindy, Jen (Carlie & Andrew) and Sonya Haas.

    The Haas Family
    Rock, MI

    I went to school with his children and I just wanted to say that I am sorry to hear about the loss of their father. You will be in my prayers.

    Becky Sather Martinson
    Avon, MN


    Arnold, MI

    Escanaba, MI

    I send my best to the Szukalowski family. You’re all in my thoughts.

    Chris Trotter
    Wintergreen, VA

    Ruth and family, were very sorry to hear about Matt’s passing. It has been many years since I have seen him or the kids. I do get to see Ruth sometimes at the Arnold Store when I’m on my way to see my parents at the farm. You all have our deepest sympathy.

    Laurie Van Damme & Steve Govier
    Gwinn, MI

    My hunting skills have been enhanced to a level of expertise, thanks to Matt. I will be ever indebted to him for teaching me so many neat little tricks of the trade. He has given me so many tips on the do and don’ts of hunting. He gave me a stone arrowhead, of which I have cherished from the minute he gave it to me. I was carrying it the first time I shot a deer with my bow. It was a spike horn buck, and I had been hunting over 25 years without any luck of shooting a buck, either with a gun or bow. Matt also showed me where to hunt, the rifle season, and I was able to shoot my first big buck, an eight pointer, and he was there to help me drag it out of the woods. Good-bye my friend, I will miss all your advise. Happy hunting, until we meet again.

    Marquette, MI

    Ruth and Family,

    We have lost a very dear friend, and our thoughts and prayers are with you at this most sorrowful time.

    Paulita & Darryl Korby
    Marquette, MI

    Though I didn’t know Mat well, I do have fond memories of times when I saw him at the “40”. He seemed to be a man in touch with nature and its inhabitants. Mat once shared a story with my sisters and me, he recounted his experience with a U.F.O. I still get chills down my spine because I did, and still do, believe that his encounter was as real as it gets.

    Mr. Timm Armour
    Milwaukee, WI
    Ruth & Family,

    So sorry to hear of Matt’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your sons and daughters. I do have occasion to visit with your sons from time to time Ruth. They have grown into fine young men. God Bless You and Your Family.

    Mike & Carol DeShambo
    Escanaba, MI

    Ruth and family,

    I am truly sorry to hear about your loss. Matt was one of the most avid outdoorsman I have ever known. I will never forget hearing his many stories and advice on utilizing the UP’s natural resources.

    Glenn Luebke
    Arlington Heights, IL

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