Marilyn Williams

Resided in Gladstone, MI
Died January 31, 2008

Marilyn S. Williams, age 59, of 1013 Superior Avenue; Gladstone, passed away Thursday, January 31st, 2008, at home surrounded by loving family members.

Marilyn was born November 9th, 1948 in the

0 Tributes for “Marilyn Williams

    Mama, I don’t know what we will do without you! You gave us all so much love and without words taught us all so many things. My heart is broken and I miss you more than words can express. The love and compassion you showed for your family and other’s will be held in our hearts forever and that is what will help us to keep going forward with our lives. I hope to be half the person you are to take care of our family and take over where you left off. Your strength and will to live amazed everyone. I thank you for fighting so long and hard and giving us all you had. We were blessed to have you as a mother. My comfort is that I know you are in Heaven without pain and suffering. We will take care and watch over Dad and your grandbabies. We know that is all you ever asked of us. Rest well Mama. We love you so much.
    Escanaba, MI

    Dear Louie and family,

    I am so very sorry for your loss. During Marilyn’s illness, it was assuredly difficult and heartbreaking for you, your children, and grandchildren. The feeling of helplessness can be so overwhelming. Even though Marilyn, as stoic as she was, had to be enduring a lot of pain and discomfort. At times, it will be an unbearable climb for you and your loved ones. However, all we can do in this world is take one day at a time. The faith knowing that Marilyn is now with our Lord and is free of all earthly sufferings gives us mortals the strength to go on with our own lives. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take Care and May God Bless.

    Patricia Duncan (Gabrielson)
    Gladstone, MI

    “Mrs. Williams…”

    We can only hope to have half as much strength as Marilyn displayed multiple times during her illness. She’s a true inspiration to her family and all of us who were fortunate enough to have known her.

    If your path crossed Marilyn’s, you were blessed. Without trying, she taught everyone many valuable lessons. Although its been a little over 3 years since I last seen her, it doesn’t seem like a day has passed due to listening to the many wonderful stories about her humor, her faith, and an incredible will.

    To her amazing family – May time replace the pain in your hearts with peaceful memories…..

    Aurora, CO

    To my family, I don’t know what I can say that can take away the pain, but I do remember that no matter what, Aunt Marilyn always had faith and with faith our hearts can heal.

    I will always cherish the fun we had at the holidays at your house or even when we would just come up north for a visit, it was always worth the drive up to the u.p. even in a blizzard to see and spend time with my family. (by the way, Candy you do a good job with the stuffing, it does taste like your mom’s and grandma’s)

    Remember the best thing in life that you could ever have is your family and that is what we have.
    I love you all very much.

    Your niece and cousin,


    Sally Rager
    New Haven, MI

    Louis and family, I am So Sorry about your Wife, You have my thoughts and these hard times…(your old-worker..)

    Dave Johnson (Steve Pellegrini is my Brother in law)
    Escanaba, MI

    To Aunt Marilyn’s Husband Louie, Children and Sisters,

    I am so sorry you have to experience the loss of someone that you love so much. But Thanks to God, this is not the end.

    When Marilyn left us here she entered Heaven to begin her new life with the Lord, and to be with those she loved, that went ahead of her.

    Marilyn is still Marilyn, still laughing, still loving beauty around her, still loving you.

    She now looks forward with great joy, in seeing all that God has for her . With joyful anticipation, she also knows, that she will be with her husband, her children and her sister’s again.

    This is what Jesus did for us – He took our sin’s so that we could be forever with Him, in a place filled with beauty, and be with our loved ones again, forever.

    I hope you take comfort in knowing that you will see Marilyn again. She is not in your past, she is in your future. Thank you Jesus.

    Vickie Caputo
    Lansing, MI

    Mama Mary of all the land, We were blessed on earth to have you as our mother Maryland.

    Though the country capitalized the state of your name its with your loving family we enjoyed your
    fame, you gathered us as all as children and kept our names and with Gods loving call; you carried them to share with the glory of Jesus. We miss you mom.

    Your Son, Kevin
    Reno, NV

    Louie and family,

    We mourn your loss!

    We learn in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18 (NIV) – Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. 14 We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord’s own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage each other with these words.

    There is no more pain for Marilyn, wife, mother, sister, and child! Marilyn is once again whole and with out the problems of the past years.

    God Bless

    Charlie & Sherry Myers
    Gladstone, MI

    Uncle Louie & kids, I am so sorry for your loss. She will be greatly missed. I loved Aunt Marilyn, she always made me laugh when I would talk to her. I am praying for all of you!

    Connie Auge
    Escanaba, MI

    I was saddened to hear that Marilyn passed away. I did not know her personally, but from what I heard from my sister Connie I know I would have enjoyed knowing her.

    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

    With deepest sympathy,

    Michele (Rodgers) Oehlke
    Two Rivers, WI

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