0 Tributes for “Margaret Reese

    We would like to take this opportunity to express our condolences in you loss. My God be with you in your time of need.

    Joseph and Nathalie Schram
    Olympia, WA

    I have so many memories of Peggy — she was so full of life. When we were teenagers Kelli, Marge and I would sit at home on sunny summer days watching Bill Kennedy at the Movies with Peggy, and she was always working on an afgan in the porch.

    Monday nights were always Peggy & Bernie’s night for coffee and we would sit and listen to their conversations — we didn’t want to miss anything (and I was afraid to walk home in the dark alone).

    Your family’s loss is my family’s loss too — I will miss her.

    Sue (Harris) Koch
    Gladstone, MI

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