0 Tributes for “Lyme Broemer

    Condolences to Lee Broemer’s family. Lee was the mother of my good friend Marlene, who loved her very much. I remember spending time with Lee in the Bay Area, California where she visited Marlene and told stories that made us laugh. She also spoke lovingly about the beautiful sun-filled, blue sky crisp fall day that Marlene was born. Finland is in my mind because of Lee.
    Kay Mathew
    Boston, MA

    Sorry to hear about your Mom passing, my Mother talked of her and your Dad often, and how much fun they had together. Sorry We can’t make it there for the funeral.

    George Inez Brookins, Mary Broemer
    Fredonia, WI

    Dear Lee,

    I will always remember you for your wonderful, friendly spirit and your absolutely fabulous rendition of “These Boots Were Made for Walking.” Keep on walking, friend.

    R. Wood Massi
    San Francisco, CA

    Jessi-wanted to call you but didn’t know if you’d want to talk or not so I figured I’d give you some time, but you know I am ALWAYS here for you if you need to talk. I am soooo sorry. I know that nothing in the world is going to make this any easier for you. I still think about my grandma every single day and it’s been over 6 years now. Your grandma was such a wonderful person, very fiesty too! and I know how close you two were. I think the part in the obit about the karaoke was very cute and so true. Obviously my sympathy goes out to all of you. I am planning on going to the funeral home on Saturday as of right now. There may be a possibility I can’t- I have a surgery scheduled downstate in Taylor on Monday morning and might need to down there earlier but I will do my best. Jessi please give me a call whenever you feel up to it. I have a new number now- it’s 789-0989 or the cell is 241-9593.

    Jessica LaCosse
    Escanaba, MI

    I love ya, Lee-Bee. You always made me giggle, and I thought that was great. See you soon.

    C. Lynn Miller
    Charlotte, MI

    Hi Marlene & Suzanne,

    My name is Mary Willcock Kruger and was a friend of your folks, whom I miss a lot. We had a lot of good times together. Your Dad would insist on putting raisins in every dessert your mother made. If your mother was not looking, he would sneak them in. I never knew raisins could go into so many things. I am not a great lover of raisins but after I got married and moved to WI, I missed the things your mother use to put raisins in. I wish I would of asked her for her rolled out sugar cookie recipe as she had the best. I am sorry for your loss, she will be missed by many.

    Gordy & Mary Kruger
    Sarona, WI


    I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Amy Hubert
    Escanaba, MI

    Dear Suzanne & Family: I was so sorry to read that your dear Mom passed away. You were so fortunate to have such an easy-going, lovely person in your life.

    Suzanne, I was gone the weekend you were in Ontonagon (I honestly forgot all about the class reunion!) and will you please stop in to see me when you are back in Ontonagon? Bring pictures of all your Grandchildren and we can compare…I have a Zoe too!

    Again, please know that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you get through this very difficult time. It does get easier with each passing day and soon you’ll be able to remember your Mom with laughter and all your wonderful memories. I know how close you were to her. Take care. With my love, Kathleen

    Kathleen (Ekdahl) Chapman
    Ontonagon, MI

    Dear Clint,

    I am so, so sorry for your loss. I know how much your grandma meant to you. Take care and if you ever need somewhat to talk to…..we will always be here.

    Mark and Deb Ross, Jeremiah
    Green Bay, WI

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