0 Tributes for “Laura Seymour

    I’ve known Sodie for years, and am sad to hear of her passing. she was well liked by so many people, and will be greatly missed. Her giggle was infectious, and she was always smiling and although she is gone, she left the best of herself behind in her children, you four are her legacy, her mark on the world, because you WERE her world. Anybody who knew Sodie, knew that above all else she was a mom, and wore that badge proudly. And THAT is what I will always remember about her. God rest her gentle soul, and mend your aching hearts. Sincerely, Brenda
    Brenda (Frigard) Nantelle
    Gladstone, MI

    To the Family of Laura (Sodie) Seymour. My prayers go out to all of you. Sodie was one of a kind, her door was always opened to you if you needed a place to stay. I lived with Sodie for nearly 2 yrs. She was like a 2nd mom to me. I will always have a special place in my heart for her. Sodie will be missed by many. I love you, Sodie

    Rowena Crewe (Nelson)
    Escanaba, MI

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