0 Tributes for “Kathrn Gautcher

    Geoff- Let me begin by expressing my deepest sympathy to you and Kathy’s family and my apology for being unable to attend her funeral. I am so glad that Robin and Rachel were able to be there.
    Your relationship with Kathy and the Lord is an inspiration to all who know you and I feel honored to have spent time with you both when we lived in Escanaba. I recall how much you both looked so forward to your trips together to the Boundary Waters and once I saw the area I understood why. There is no where to get more in touch with each other and Him.

    I know you are all drawing on your strength in God to assist you through this difficult time. I am sure Kathy will be looking down on you daily with Love and her great smile.

    With much sincerity,

    Jim Caron
    Crystal Falls, MI

    I first met Kathy at an Ultreya meeting and shared with her that in surfing the Internet I had come across her wonderful God-filled writings on the Dov.net site. I met her again at the Life in the Spirit seminar in Gladstone in June. What a beautiful spirit-filled lady. I will never forget her loving smile or her hugging arms. She was so full of joy and love of the Lord. In going to Marquette to one of her appointments my friend and I got to know her even better. Kathy we will never forget you.

    Barbara A. Nelson
    Escanaba, MI


    I just heard about your loss at the Daily Press. I’m very sorry about your wife. You are in our prayers and I wish you well.

    Craig Woerpel
    Escanaba, MI


    Kathy was one of the very best neighbors. She always had a smile and a hug. We shall miss seeing her taking care of her flowers and walking by. My deepest sympathies are sent with this note.

    Dan & Nancy Wall
    Gladstone, MI

    Kathryn was always such a wonderful person to be around. Her smile could really light up a room! I enjoyed working with her over at All Saints when I taught CCD there. We know where she is now, thanks to that great faith of her’s.

    Dc. Shawn M. Smith
    New Haven, CT

    Kathy will always be remembered by me as being beautiful, selfless person that was committed to our Lord, her family, and her friends. I was first introduced to Kathy by her actions. Before we had ever met I had been told that Kathy was praying for my wife and I as we were trying, and struggling to build a foundation for our marriage. After talking with my mother, (Bonnie) she and Kathy offered to come to our house to pray over my wife and I and to bless our home. I remember pondering on, “who is this woman who has no idea who I am, or how messed up I am and yet is willing to give of herself to help. I found that I was getting to know a woman that was doing her best to please our Lord by giving and sacrificing. I finally got to meet Kathy at the Hearts of Praise Charismatic Renewal Seminar that she led at All Saints earlier this year. I will never forget her smile and hug I got from her the first time we met. It was sincere, genuine and full of unconditional love. the same way our Lord loves us. I will always remember Kathy for a story that my mother told me about Kathy. She said that Kathy’s idea of “SON BATHING” (not mispelled) was sitting or kneeling in front of the tabernacle with the blessed Eucharist and absorbing it’s brilliance and warmth as she sat in prayer and meditation. Now I call that SON BATHING! You can’t get sunburned that way!

    Kim Pepin
    Escanaba, MI

    Aunt Kathy was a thoughtful person who never let any type of celebration go by without a card and a note from her and Uncle Geoff. I have things all around to remind me of her… a ceramic piggy bank on my dresser that she painted for me. My niece, Megan, now wears the poncho she crocheted for me when I was 5. Aunt Kathy’s Spanish Fish recipe is one that I make regularly for friends and family and her chive vinegar makes my potato salad hard to beat. She gave me an extra large refill of it when I visited her in March. Even when she had really red hair, she looked like my Mom to my brothers and me. And, she cut my stringy blonde hair one summer and it’s been thick and curly ever since. There are so many ways that she touched my life even though she lived far away. She will be missed, but remembered dearly every day.

    She also helped me to see through her outspoken love of God that there are many ways to express faith. She truly lived her faith out loud! I am certain that God was ready to have her in His presence.

    Rebecca Newman, her niece
    Dallas, TX
    Goeff, we are so sad for your loss but rejoicing that Kathy is in Heaven. The Angels are singing! Kathy was a beautiful person and we will miss her.

    Angel LaFave
    Trenary, MI

    I did know Kathy, and she indeed was a good Christian. She taught us the love of the Lord and in her process of dying she taught us ‘True Faith’. She loved the Lord and brought all of us that had the priveledge to be with her how to love the Lord even in the process of her dying. She was a true wittness to all of us.

    Karen Krebsbach
    Gladstone, MI

    Kathy has been a tremendous influence to me in all walks of my life. I admired her courage and conviction especially in matters of faith. I want so much to emulate her in my walk with God. Her Alleluia?s will always ring in my heart and her laughter will forever be a song in my life. I love her dearly and await the day I can hug her again in Heaven.

    Pat Hogan
    Gulliver, MI

    The Lord gave me a double portion when I met Kathy. It happened that we were both going through some life changing times, and we had to spend usually 2 hours car riding together, at least once a month, which quickly became our family prayer time.

    When the Lord called Kathy, she, like St. Matthew, got up from the money changing table, and opened her house to Jesus, and continued to right to her dying day. She never looked back.

    Pat Vanatta
    Manistique, MI

    I do not know Kathy, but after reading her obitin my paper I felt the urge to write. What a marvelous Catholic person.

    Jesus must surely want her to himself. God bless her Mom for raising such a good Catholic girl. I will pray for your Mother. My love.

    Mary Ruth Johnson
    Hancock, MI

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