Justin Dominick

Resided in Rock, MI
Died May 13, 2006

Justin John Dominick, age 21, of 1443 West Lane, Rock, MI died unexpectedly Saturday afternoon at the St. Francis Hospital in Escanaba.
Justin was born September 12, 1984 in Dallas, TX the son of Don and Stacy (Miller) Dominick. He attended Gladstone Public Schools and was a graduate of the Escanaba High School. Justin loved the outdoors and he enjoyed hunting and fishing. He also liked working on small engines and his family remembers him always disassembling things and putting them back together. Justin had a great sense of humor and he was always there for family and friends whenever someone needed
help. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends.

In addition to his parents, Don and Stacy of Gladstone, survivors include:

Sister: Barbara Dominick of Gladstone

Paternal Grandparents: Stan and Mary Dominick of Rapid River

Maternal Grandparents: Bob and Barbara Miller of Gladstone

Aunts: Tina (Jim) Gudwer of Perkins, Roxanne (Terry) Schramm of Rapid River, Terri Williams of Gladstone. Uncle: Steve Miller of Dallas, TX

Numerous cousins


0 Tributes for “Justin Dominick

    I just found out yesterday…5-23-06…….I am in disbelief and shock….my heart is so sad……I loved him so much like a child of my own. He came to see me the friday before he passed…….I can not find the words to express how much I will miss him,…..to his family…I can not imagine the heart ache your going through…….He will be remembered, missed, and loved forever.
    Melissa Wartella
    Gladstone, MI

    Stacey, Don & Barb,

    I just want to express my sympathy for you during such a hard time, and let you know you are in my thoughts. Justin was a great guy, and although we only had a brief time with him, it’s obvious how much life he lived and how much love his family and friends had for him, and how many lives he touched. My heart goes out for you, and if you need anything, my family and I are only a phone call away.

    Jamee Hess
    Escanaba, MI

    Jordan, thank you for being such a nice neighbor to Justin. His family and mine all appreciate it. All of you in Rock have been very nice and Justin spoke highly of you as nice neighbors. Jordan, thank you for helping make the cross for the flag pole. If anyone needs to talk to me, you will find my contact number at the house in Rock. I listened to Justins voice mail today, and I listened over and over again, wishing he would play phone tag with me like we used to. I know hes looking down on me thinking Im just a silly ‘ol woman.

    Diane Goetz (mom#2)
    Rock, MI

    Repeating some of what I said in my tribute at the funeral service, It doesnt take political science to see and feel Justin’s heart. He was always ready to forgive and make changes for the strays in our world, stray animals or stray people. Being a young man full of spirited thoughts and high expections for himself, he could find something good even in people who would steal from him or put him in a situation that would jeopardise his route to glory. The influence of those with no heart, and selfish motives had a strong pull on him. He never stopped wanting and fighting to stay away from that force.But he understood the force. He understood what it felt like to be left out or unwanted or labeled. Wanting the American Dream, he found the white house with the fence and a dog. He was going to paint the out side buildings red this summer to match the farm style look, with the horses in the back yard ,a background of the sunset, he watched many of nights,a camp fire he would build at home. He planned to find and ask a special lady to move in with him and they could share this American dream.They could fly his favorite flags, The American, POW, and the Army flags in front of the house. Respecting all of us, he loved us, we who knew the REAL Justin. Those who did not take time to know him only knew the rumors.Only knew the label he was given. He was on his way to that American dream, fighting all the obstacles in his way. At this young age of 21, he spoke of donating his organs, his heart, his lungs, whatever was a good match for someone, but not his eyes so he could see what was ahead. I know he is watching us now and thanking us who believed in him, loving us with his spirited heart, he says, “I’m sorry I have left too soon.” Thank you Stacy, for allowing him to call me mom #2 and letting me call him son. Thank you Don, for always being there and building a strong pillar of trust. Thank you Barbie for loving us all with your warm open heart. Justin told me how proud of you he is. How no one could ask for a better sister. There were negatives,and the positives. The fun loving sense of humor and many times of laughter and silly incidents were all part of this really cool spritied young blood. Our Justin.We celebrate times we laughed and cryed. We celebrate dance and his devine dreams of his tender heart. I’ve set the flag in Rock at the corner of the fence. I will set the other flags there soon, as I know he wanted. We must now enter in our minds a vision, a safe vision. Close our eyes, and walk a quiet walk in the woods where he loved to be, and let the light allow you to hand Justin over to God, Let God show him the eternal path now.(as his grandmother has said, Barb) Justin will always be with us in our minds eye, in our memorys and in spirit. He uses his own eyes to watch over us now.I thank the neighbors for giving Justin the respect he deserved. I will miss him dearly and I will miss his phone calls and I will forever hold him close to my heart.

    Diane Goetz (mom #2)
    Rock, MI

    Aunt Stacy, Don, and Barbie,

    We want you to know how sorry we are for the loss of Justin. I know Justin really looked up to Erick and Erick always thought of him like a little brother. Erick was one who never lost faith in him and could always see the good in him even in his rough times. As I hear all the memories that people have of him, you should take comfort that people think of him and will remember him as the loving, caring, helpful, thoughtful, good natured guy that he was.

    I like the comparison to the big puppy dog, Justin was always there to love you and show affection to those he loved, but that darn tail kept getting him in trouble. That describes him.

    He will be greatly missed. You are all in our thoughts and prayers as you go through this rough time. We are here if you need anything. If you need someone to talk to or a place to get away to for a few days, you are always welcome here. We love you guys!
    Erick and Stacey Schramm
    Springport, MI

    Hi Stacy so sorry to hear about Justin. I dont know if you remember me. Nichole does my nails and hair now Kelly use to.But I hope you can remember me Connie Scheuren, I just want to send my Deepest Sympathy to you and to tell you that I feel so bad for you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take Care and May Good Bless You.

    Connie Scheuren
    Cornell, MI

    Justin is the most caring and wonderful person.. I know he is gonna watch down on his family and friends, Ill miss all the great things he talked about.He is gonna be one very missed person.. Stacy and family u got my # please call me if u need anything.

    Kayla Ganzel
    Gladstone, MI

    If u need anything let me know. I was really close to Justin and I still want to be around to help his family get through this.

    Kayla Ganzel
    Gladstone, MI

    Justin was a great friend to me and will always be in my heart. He will be sadly missed by many people. Rest In Peace.

    Cassie Lavigne
    Rapid River , MI

    Aunt Stacy, I am so sorry for what has happen. May the Lord be with you, Don and the family and may all the happy memories bring Justin back to us all. I love u so much Stacy! God bless

    Shayla Breault
    Gallatin, MO

    To the family of Justin,

    Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of Justin. I always enjoyed seeing Justin when I worked at North Bluff Grocery. He was always smiling and a real joy to pick on. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of saddness.

    Cathy Grenier
    Gladstone, MI

    I was saddened to hear of Justin’s death. He was one of my library aides and was always willing to give a helping hand. My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time…know he has a special place in the hearts of many!

    Patti Anderson
    Gladstone, MI

    Stacy & Don, Barbie, Barb & Bob:

    We simply cannot put into words the sadness we feel for all of you with the loss of Justin. We have been fortunate to have known Justin for several years, as Gramma Barb & Grandpa Bob are our neighbors. Jamee also went to school with Justin when he went to GAHS, and she smiles when she speaks of him. Know that he loved and cared for you all very deeply and is ‘at peace’ now-he deserves that. Love, support, and take care of each other in the way that I know you all can. You also know my number and address, I’m available to listen 24/7. Big HUGS, love you all, Becki Hess & family

    Becki Hess
    Gladstone, MI

    Justin was one of the best guy friends that I every had and I am really sorry that we have lost Justin at this time. I am really going to miss him a lot and I will never forget him

    City: Rock, MI

    Dear Stacy and Don,

    I wish to express my deepest sympathy to you in the loss of your son. My heart goes out to you as you suffer this terrible loss. May the Lord strengthen you and comfort you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all of your family.


    Gretchen Kaukola Fossen
    Hermansville, MI

    Justin will never leave you as long as he lives in your hearts. All our prayers and deepest sympathy with love and understanding.

    Dave & Carol (Majestic) Collegnon
    Escanaba, MI

    I will miss Justin “Bubba” greatly. I was really looking forward to a time we could raise our kids together, just as we were raised together. I have many great memories of what seemed like, my little brother.

    I wish we could be there to support our family during this time.

    Jesse and Laura

    Jesse Schramm
    Bakersfield, CA

    Stacy and Don:

    I’m so sorry to hear about Justin. I always thought of Justin as one of the family when he used to come over our house. Justin was always such a thoughtful and funny kid. He will be sadly missed by all of us. Again, Stacy I’m so sorry.

    Mary, Jake, Joshua and Brian Michael

    Mary Hanson
    City: Iron Mountain, MI

    If you needed a laugh, Jusin was the one to go to. If you needed somone to talk to, Justin was the one who would listen. He had a heart bigger than anyone. One of the many things I will always remember about Justin was his love for animals, mainly his dog Cujo. They were inseperable, where ever Justin went he brought his dog. He will be sadly missed by all who have ever met him.

    Andy Branstrom
    Gladstone, MI

    I just want to offer my sympathy, I went to school with the family and know how devistating the loss of a loved one is. May you find peace in his journey being over,if short lived. And his perfect rest. I know he will be greatly missed.

    Betty Petonquot LeMarble
    Sheridan, MI

    Don and Stacy and family,Please accept my sympathy for your terrible loss. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. If we could just protect our children from the perils of this world and keep them close as when they were small. I hope in time that you will find comfort in celebrating the happy times of Justin’s 21 years. Yours Fondly,

    Connie Lundin Roberts
    Escanaba, MI

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