0 Tributes for “Joseph Jedlovec

    We are so very sorry to hear of Joe Sr.’s passing and extend to you our deepest sympathy. He was a wonderful man and someone we will never forget for his cheerful and kind ways. We are blessed to have known him.
    Keith & Barbara Parker
    St. Charles, IL

    I only knew Joe for a short time but I am lucky for that. I know I am a better person having known Joe. He was always sincere. His goodness was obvious. I am going to miss him for a long time.

    Chris Neveu, RN
    Iron Mountian, MI

    2 Finger, 2 Finger!! We loved playing cards with HiYa Joe. He was a wonderul man with a huge heart.

    We love ya Joe.

    The Lenz Family
    Maplewood, MN

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