0 Tributes for “John A. Calouette

    Betty, Katie & Nicki I was saddened to see the news of John passing away. Wow What a shock! I had seen Nicki a few times & she told me about you moving up north & building your dream log cabin. I missed you when you moved away, we have lots of good memories. Take care & look me up sometime if you come to town. Linda You & I can get together.
    Karen Brown Larson
    Oshkosh WI

    Hi Betty. So sorry to hear of your loss. I know that Butch was a loving father & husband so please accept my condolences.

    John Destrampe
    Rockland MA

    We are sorry to hear of John’s death. Even though we haven’t seen him in many years, Jan recalls the summer they lived together working at National Lock in Rockford, IL. We pray God’s strength for you in the days ahead.

    Jan & Cheryl Bast
    Waukesha WI

    I am so sorry for your loss. It was so nice when my family moved back to Oshkosh after I started college so I could see your family again. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. God Bless

    David Garrity
    Hamilton OH

    I am so sorry to read of John’s passing. The memories are all so good, and we had such a great friendship. He was a fine man, the dry wit and that pipe will stay with me always. My condolences to you all, Betty, Nicole and Katie. XOX

    Nikki Hronis (Promen)
    Oshkosh WI

    I knew John when I was on the school board, and even though we were often on opposite sides of an issue, we always got along famously. I truly respected him. I know how excited he was to retire to such beautiful country and to care for his land. He will be missed.

    Susan Werblow
    Oshkosh WI

    I am truly sorry for your loss. Mr. C was a great man. I remember him as a teacher at North high School. He was never my teacher but we would always chat in the hallways. He lived a good life and helped many people.

    Jodi Matuszczak-McGrath
    Oshkosh WI

    John helped many North students through the tough times of high school. And he helped the OEA become a positive organization for educators in Oshkosh. Never will forget the day he came out and remove two huge solar panels from the side of our house. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your entire family. Ron and Jody Harrell

    Ron Harrell
    Oshkosh WI

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. A tragic lose is very difficult and may you find solace in the happy memories your family has experienced.

    Terry Lago
    Oshkosh WI

    My sincere condolences to Betty and the girls. I am keeping you in my prayers.

    Jim Kucksdorf
    Oshkosh WI

    Betty and family. I taught with John at North High with the learning disabled kids. I also was a union rep and went to many meetings with him. Two of my best memories are shuffle board at the beehive and a union RA meeting. That meeting John needed a smoke and wanted someone to come with him. I went out to talk about what we were discussing, going to a strike vote. Well, they did and we were locked out. We spent 45 minutes out in the hallway when history was going on behind closed doors. We talked about that for sometime. He was an awesome person in all ways. I am sorry I couldn’t be with you during his celebration. Hugs to all.

    Janelle Brady
    Oshkosh WI

    Dear Betty:
    I am so so sorry to hear of the passing of John. I knew him since we were little kids, and they lived on main street. May the Lord give you strength to endure such sad times. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. God bless and I pray you are doing as well as possible. Love across the miles Fergy

    Jeanne Gilbert
    Valparaiso IN

    The main disadvantage of retirement is losing touch with people you enjoy seeing every day. Often retirees move far away to return to their roots. John was one of those people. There were always laughs when John was involved, whether it was at school or better yet – in some relaxed environment like Jim Nowak’s place in Adams Co. We’ll miss you, John…

    Jim Buehner
    Oshkosh WI

    John was a dedicated teacher and union man. He led us through many battles and always had a good joke or humorous story to share. I will miss his leadership, friendship and goofy laugh. May your new life bring you much deserved peace and comfort. Miss you Frenchie!

    Jim Wilson
    Oshkosh WI

    Our condolences to the Calouette family. There are so many memories…jokes, dinners, fishing and hiking on Isle Royale (he walked slow enough for Curt’s mom to enjoy the hikes!), boating and always laughter. Beyond all, he loved…his wife, his family, his job, his students, his friends and he touched more lives than he ever realized. But each life he touched was changed for the better. Tonight, when you look up at the stars, choose one. That star is the porch light John is leaving on for each of us so we ,too, can find our way home. Godspeed, John.

    Curt and Petey Clark
    Oshkosh WI

    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I went to Oshkosh North and remember him fondly.

    Cyndi Hintz
    Fond du Lac WI

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. Miss you Katie!

    Tina Spilski
    Greenville WI

    Mr. C was a great friend and a great teacher. He made and a great impact on anyone that he taught and just became a friend to. He will be missed.

    Heather (Sollberger) Dahlke
    Oshkosh WI

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Mr. John Calouette. He was my High School teacher and I enjoyed being in his class. He will be missed by all who knew him.

    Anna Gonia (Karst)
    Oshkosh WI

    My prayers and thoughts are with Katie and family, I loved your dad. He was awesome, just remember he will always be that angel above you. Prayers to you all.

    Jodi and Rob Frank
    Oshkosh WI

    God bless you all: Bob and family Louise Feak, son Ross, daughter Sue Hermes of Garden, 2 grand kids 5 great grand-kids. We wish all of you love prayers and a memory of Richard who passed Feb 4 1911 they were all great and cherished friends and we love you.

    Louise Ann Feak, son Ross, daughter Susan Hermes and family
    Fort Myers FL

    Dear Betty, Nikki, and Katie, so very sorry to hear of John’s passing. We really had some good times with him and you Betty. Will never forget his “bad” jokes. Loved the guy… Our prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. Love Mark and Pam Potter

    Pam Potter
    Goodyear AZ

    I would like to express my deepest sympathy on the loss of Mr. Calouette. He was my most favorite teacher. The only teacher who ever made an everlasting impression on my life. If he could see what I have accomplished in my life after school, he’d be proud. It still took me a few years but it was his urging and his never giving up on me, or any other students for that matter,that just always stayed with me and honestly made me think different and just always meant so much to me. As we get older we really do learn who really cared and who just was in it “for the job”. He took his job above and beyond and there was no other like him. No one. I am grateful for Facebook cuz his loved ones were able to show him the greatest comments of the impact he’s left on all of his students and I am so happy he got to read them or hear them. I will forever be thankful for him being in my life and caring. And in his memory, along with my mother’s, and many others we have lost to this deadly disease, I will continue to beat my battle with cancer myself. R.I.P. Mr. C!!! Say hi to my mom for me 🙂 I write this just in case I cannot attend the funeral.

    Suzanna (Suzie) Stengel
    Bruce WI

    John will always be remembered as our fishing buddy at Isle Royale National Park, MI. We enjoyed many happy and exciting times trying to “catch the big one.” One time he had to hang onto me while I caught the big one!!! Betty and family you have our deepest sympathy. Lois and Fran Gwinn

    Lois and Fran Gwinn
    Butternut WI

    Dear Betty and family,
    We knew you back in the 1970’s in Oshkosh and then saw you when we moved back in the 1990’s We met in Newcomers of Oshkosh. know that your entire family is in our prayers during these difficult days. Love, Ron & Ann Palm

    Ann Palm
    Oshksoh WI

    Dear Betty, Katie, Nichole and Family
    Mike and I want to express our love and sympathy to you and we hope you know that we grieve with you. Words can encourage peace and comfort but only time, love,memories and God’s promise to save us all will renew your spirit. Our family is blessed by John’s legacy in Katie and it is beautifully carried forward to Nicholas and Lauren. I always wait anxiously to hear of their adventures when they visit Grandma and Grandpa Calouette. John was a good man to many people including my son. Your family is in our prayers and we are sorry we are not with you today. When the light of hope and love returns to your family we will rejoice again in John’s spirit.
    Love to all of you
    Mike and Cindy Nowak

    Cindy Nowak
    Oshkosh WI

    I am so sorry for your loss. John was living his dream in his log cabin. He was a truly dedicated teacher and also gave much to his union. As an OASD colleague, my Kindergartners were the recipients of several Geoboards that John lovingly made with his at risk and other special education High School students. He was one of a kind. May you find solace in knowing how many lives he positively impacted.

    Patti Yana
    Butte des Morts WI

    Sending you hugs and prayers. John was a good man and will be missed dearly and remembered by all who’s lives he touched. My god be with all 3 of you girls during this time and during times to follow. Heaven received a great angel to watch over you.

    The Sawicki’s
    Oshkosh WI

    Betty & Family. MIllie and I were so saddened to learn that John lost his fight with cancer. No way to put in words how our hearts ache for you all, but our prayers will be that God will carry you all in His hands, while you heal.

    Our memories of John are so GRAND!! Countless class reunions, card games, and innumerable Toivo & Aino jokes, enough to make your sides ache from laughter. Now John has a whole new group to spin yarns with, and we know Heaven is a better place, since John moved in.

    God Bless all of you, and know we will be with you each step of the way. Love, Jim & Millie.

    Jim & Millie Stearns
    Iron Mountain MI

    Calouette family… My deepest sympathies go out to all of you. Mr. C was a kind and generous man and I personally credit him with the person I am today. Without his guidance and perseverance I would never have graduated high school. He is someone who touched my life and has been thought about often over the years after high school. He touched so many lives and made them better. It is truly an honor and a privileged to have known such an amazing man. He was an angel right her on earth for all the help he gave over the years. He will be forever missed by many.

    Jamie Staub
    Oshkosh WI

    You have our deepest sympathy. John and I had many memorable times working together to do what is best for our students and co-workers over the years. He was truly a great man and I reflected upon his role and our most positive association often in the years after his retirement. He was was an excellent role model and mentor for me and many others. It was a special time for me being able to talk to him a few weeks ago when I heard that he was ill. We caught up on a few things, had a few laughs, and in general had a very enjoyable conversation. I am happy that I was able to converse with him during his final days.

    Upon hearing the the sad news yesterday I shared this message with 50+ OASD retirees that I have contact with:

    I am sorry to report to you the passing this afternoon of Past OEA President John Calouette. I was provided this information via a mutual friend on Facebook. He was surrounded by his family at his home in Rapid River Michigan. He is survived by his wife Bette and daughters Nicole and Katie. John was a colleague of mine for many years at North. I had the privilege of having both of his daughters as students. John was a great teacher, a great union man, an excellent mentor to me and his students and an overall outstanding person. May he rest in peace.”

    Len and Mary herricks
    Oshkosh WI

    “Mr. C” was an amazing man. He was a great teacher as well as a friend in need. He will always have a special spot in my heart. He will be truly missed by many. Prayers to your family.

    Nicole “Nic” (Gutzman) Retelle
    Oshkosh WI

    I was one of those “at risk” students under “Mr. C”. He not only taught me how to weld, lathe and pour metal but he also taught me life lessons. He showed me how to keep a portfolio in stocks and bonds. Because of him, I am now saving for my retirement. He was not only our teacher but our mentor and friend, our counselor. He was my tutor in the subject of life. I was thrilled when he showed up for my graduation party, and my guests were more than surprised when he pulled up a chair and stayed a while. We have lost a great teacher and friend that will never be replaced or forgotten.

    “Mr. C”, I will always carry with me the wisdom you gave me and the love only a father could give. Please save a place for me in Heaven, I hear it’s beautiful there. And if you want to ever go fishing, I hear Jesus is the man. I pray you are now at peace, for with your peace brings us sorrow. We only weep over the ones who left an impact on our lives. I promise you, even when you didn’t think you were being heard we were all listening. From the SWS Class of 2000 ONHS, may you rest in peace, you will never be forgotten.

    Stephanie-Rose Revels (Hillhouse)
    Oshkosh WI

    Once upon a time, when I had 5th hour off, John would come from whatever school he was at to Webster…..he would entertain me the whole time, one goofy joke after another…..while he smoked his pipe. Loved seeing him everyday. My heartfelt sympathy to you all. Glad you could retire up north – am sure he was happy there – He will never be forgotten…..

    Cheryl Pommerening
    Oshkosh WI

    There are few teachers I have fonder memories of than Mr. Calouette. He was a great teacher and a great person. Thank God he had a good sense of humor! I feel fortunate to have known him.

    -Lance Lehmann
    Merrill Middle School ’83-’85
    ONHS ’85-’89
    Oshkosh WI

    We are so very sorry for your loss and thoughts and prayers are with the Calouette family at this difficult time. Our deepest sympathy, Rob Ewing and Family

    Robert & Raquel Ewing
    Oshkosh WI

    As a former student of “Mr.C’s,” I will always remember and be grateful for his continuous encouragement and belief in me. He was a big influence on my life and helped steer me in the right direction. I think just about every student who had Mr.C has one thing in common, he was their favorite teacher 🙂 He helped students believe in themselves and want to be better people. The world would be a much better place if we all were a little more like Mr.C. So to celebrate his life I am going to do my best to be kind and helpful to others regardless of their life’s circumstances. His impact on mine and many, many others lives will never be forgotten. Thank you Mr.C and may God bless all your family and friends.

    Kirk Kaufman
    Oshkosh WI

    I have wonderful memories working with John at Oshkosh North High School. My thoughts and prayers go out to Betty, Nicole, Katie, and the entire Caloutte family.

    Mike McGinley
    Oshkosh WI

    So sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.

    Sandy (Metivier) Cuevas
    Clarksville TN

    My sympathy to you Betty and your family. John was such a great influence in Oshkosh and I’m sure was missed when you left. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you in Oshkosh! I was at St. Pete’s Church yesterday for Ash Wednesday and thought of our days in the choir there. It doesn’t seem that long ago and at the same time it was a lifetime ago.

    Karla Stark
    Oshkosh WI

    Rest in peace, Mr. Calouette. You were a very kind and patient teacher.

    John Kiefer
    Oshkosh WI

    Our prayers are with your family at this time.
    John & Cindy Schrader and the gang from the Polish Ponderosa

    John Schrader
    Berlin WI

    Betty & family, Working with John at Oshkosh West was a privilege. He was Mr. At Risk; his work with at risk students was a perfect fit as he truly had a special place in his heart for students who needed extra care. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Dave & Mary Webster

    Dave Webster
    Birchwood WI

    Dear Betty,
    Mike and I are so very sorry to learn of John’s passing. We have such good memories of being up at Northern and getting together with the both of you. Our son, Greg still remembers when we all went out into the woods near Gwinn and got a Christmas tree .Please know you are in our thoughts during this very difficult time. Diane Davis

    Mike & Diane Davis
    Livonia MI

    I remember having John as a teacher at Webster when it was only a middle school and at north he was a good one.I will be miss seeing him and his daughter Nicole.He was a nice friend to have and a great teacher.I will always remember him when i go back to Oshkosh to visit. GOD BLESS! Kevin Mueller (former student at Webster Stanley)

    Kevin Mueller
    Jefferson WI

    As a social worker with the Oshkosh School District, I had numerous opportunities to work with John in behalf of “at risk” kids. He truly was a dedicated, caring but demanding educator, whom I was proud to call and know as a colleague. John also served as a representative and President of our local Education Association, and did a terrific job as a negotiator and spokesman in that capacity. Also had many enjoyable conversations with him about our shared love of the outdoors, hunting/fishing, etc. John was a good man and will be sorely missed. But his family and friends can take comfort in knowing he is in Good Hands, after his long struggle. “God Bless” in John’s memory, and to his surviving family members.

    Bill McCarthy
    Oshkosh WI

    Mr. Calouette was a teach of mine and my fiance’ at South Park Middle School. He was a Excellent Teacher. Great Memories of him.

    Kay Boss
    Oshkosh WI

    My Husband, Bob and I, have all good memories of John. He was a loving, caring man and he will be missed dearly by everyone who knew him. God takes care of the good ones who have given so much of themselves and we can all find some peace with that in mind.

    Bob and Bette Crandall
    Oshkosh WI

    It breaks my heart to have found this tonight, he was my teacher, mentor and friend during some of the toughest years of my life. I am so sad I was never able to tell him how much he ment to me. I sure hope he knew how loved he was by many if not ALL of his students!! He will always and forever have a place in my heart!!

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