Hilda (Wnuck) Keranen

Resided in Rapid River, MI
Died September 11, 2012

Rapid River, MI
Hilda (Wnuck) Keranen

Hilda Martha Keranen, 99, long-time resident of Rapid River, passed away on Sept 11, 2012 at the Elder Inn in Rapid River . Hilda was born on May 17, 1913 and was raised on her family

One Tribute for “Hilda (Wnuck) Keranen

    Doreen, Marion and family, so sorry to hear of the passing of your beautiful Mom. I stopped to visit her in July while in Rapid for 10 days at 7:00 p.m. She was already in bed so we didn’t disturb her. The thought entered my mind then I may not see her again. She was always so gentle, elegant and easy going. I’ll miss her and think of her often along with Harry. My deepest sympathy. Mike Murchie, Az.

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