6 Tributes for “Goldie Dahn

    Kelvin, Jean and family We were sorry to hear of Marie.s passing. We have many good stories of both Marie and Vernon. We send our prayers to all.

    One of my Favorite Cousins. Kelvin and Family, I am so sorry to hear of your Mother Passing. I have not seen her for a couple of years. I so enjoyed both Mom and Dad and I loved to raid their garden in the fall of the year. Vernon and Marie were both so special and always had a story to tell and a laugh to share. I will be keeping you all in my prayers. Cousin John and Karen Pickard

    Jean and Kelvin, I was sorry to hear about Aunt Marie. I was lucky enough to see her in the Wal- Mart three times in the last two months. I can just imagine she’s upstairs in heaven canning something. I remember when we used to get milk in the two gallon glass jug. I had to hold it while dad unscrewed the top. god bless her.

    Life without your Mom will never be the same. We both experience that in our lives. Our memories of the good times can always be comforting. May you future be filled with happy memories of your mom. Sincerly, Jack and Yvonne Sepic

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