0 Tributes for “Gilbert Norman

    Gilbert was my friend and elementary and Rock High School graduate, class of ’61. We were classmates for all 13 years. Deepest sympathy to Stella, Bud, Verna and Marvin and all of your families. He will be missed.
    Al Salmi
    Rapid River, MI & Lake Worth, FL

    Dear Stella and family. It just seems like he was just here and we were working at the base together. So sorry for your loss. I think of Gil(swamp buck) often. If there is anything I can do please let me know. Denny

    Dennis L. Aicher
    Gladstone, MI

    Stella, Becky & Denise, I’m so sorry for your loss-Gil was a big part of my childhood and I have very fond memories of him.

    Michael (Truck) Reynard
    Laveen, AZ

    I just want to offer my condolences to Stella, Denise and Becky . Denise and I were friends in high school, that’s how I met Gil and he was just a very nice man. I’m very sorry for your loss.

    Shelly Tessaro
    Merced, CA

    Stella, Becky & Denise, I am so sorry to hear of Gil’s passing. My deepest sympathy is with you and your families. Pam

    Pamela R. Keskimaki
    Gwinn, MI

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