0 Tributes for “Fred Weissert

    “Mr. Weissert”, as I always called him, played in a poker club with my dad. He was always so kind to me and my brothers and sister. His soft spokenness didn’t stop him from fooling around and laughing with my dad. I remember going to their house on Lake Shore Drive to see his bees, to walk down the road to the lake and to play in his garage. Mrs. Weissert would always bring me a piece of Sayklly’s candy. They both, in some way, have touched my soul and I’m grateful for it.
    My deepest sympathy to the family.

    Michael Beaudoin
    Chicago, IL


    Of all the Weissert relatives, Guy talks about Uncle Fritz the most, followed by Fred, Ginger and Aunt Louise. And my Mom and Dad always enjoyed his company as well. He was a sweet, sweet, good man. He’s been in our thoughts and has left lasting memories behind. God Bless

    Sue (Stade) and Guy Bergstrom (Guy Weissert)
    Valdez, AK

    Uncle Fritz was dearly loved by all who knew him. Especially by me, his nephew, whom he taught to hunt and fish so many years ago. He will be greatly missed and our sympathies go out to his family.

    Nephew Dick and wife Kathy Rodman
    Kingsville, MO

    To the Weissert family I am so sorry for your loss he was a very nice man you are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time

    Judy Warner
    Escanaba, MI

    My husband and I were in awe of Fritz, he was quite an inspiration to us. We were his neighbors for the past 8 to 9 years. He was always there to lend a hand. Our last memory of him was just this past Easter Sunday when he tried once again to show his independence by trying to drive his vehicle. He only got as far as driving around the empty lot next door to him but he never gave up. He will be sadly missed.

    Kirk and Michele Alexander
    Escanaba, MI

    I remember Fred from my arrival in Escanaba years ago.

    He and his family welcomed me and my family and we had many wonderful times together.

    Our deepest sympathies to his survivors as they grieve the loss of this kind man.

    Al & Marla Gossan
    Escanaba, MI

    When Fritz and Louise lived in the 1400 block of Lake Shore Drive (they lived at 1417 and I am at 1415), I loved looking out my kitchen window and waiving to them and fondly remember the many conversations that I had with them both. They were both wonderful people and I will surely miss Fritz as I do Louise. Best wishes and my condolances to everyone and know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sue Young
    Escanaba, MI

    My sincere condolences to the family of one of Delta County’s outstanding citizens, Fred Weissert. While his body has left our earth….. his memory will remain, along with the fine citzens he left behind….his children.

    Sheriff Gary R. Carlson (ret.)
    Udon Thani, Thailand

    Fritz has been a part of my life all my life. It is hard to believe that he is gone. My thoughts and hugs go to you all. Maybe we all need to get together for a old neighborhood party at a park…

    Barb Collins
    Edgerton, WI

    I am so sorry for your loss. I have taken care of your father many times. I have enjoyed being with him. I remember his loyality to your mom. They are now happy and together.

    Karen Hansen
    Rock, MI

    Dear Weissert Family, I am sorry for your loss. Fritz was always such a nice man and a great addition to my Uncle Leo Lancours camp. He will be missed.

    John McDonnell
    Muskegon, MI

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