0 Tributes for “Frances Nelson

    Lois, Ruthie, and families,
    I have so many wonderful memories of your Mom and my Mom together and of your Mom’s wonderful laugh. I can still hear her now when I think about her. We had so many wonderful times growing up….

    I’ll never forget the jet-ski boat your Dad had and of the great water-skiing we did……remember Dan Malloy getting dunked in the middle of the lake? I’m sorry I couldn’t be there today to celebrate her life with you. My thoughts will be with you. She had a wonderful life and family. Gloria

    Gloria Haindl
    Cooks, MI

    Mrs. Nelson was a delightful woman and will be deeply missed by her family and friends. It was unfortunate that my husband and I were not able to get to know her more, but everytime we saw her, she was so happy, energetic and played euchere better than most of us. It was wonderful that she was here on earth for so long.

    Our deepest sympathy to all.

    Eve and John Gochis
    Ann Arbor, MI

    Lois & Ruth:

    i want to extend my condolences for the loss of your mother. My deepest sympathy..

    Douglas J. White
    Grand Blanc, MI

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