0 Tributes for “Eugene Verhamme

    Dear Buck,
    I just want you to know that my heartfelf sympathy is with you and your family today. I am so saddened by Genes passing away. When I saw you both this past summer at Mary’s House in truckee you both looked so wonderful together. You both worked so hard helping her and her family, but as you told me you and Gene loved being able to help your family. I’m glad we got to have lunch together to talk about our families’ long time friendship. Gene was always so special to my Dad Woody. They had gone through so much together . You and Gene will always be so Dear to Me, I am praying for God to give you comfort and strength during this very sad time.

    With Love to YOU

    Colleen Powers
    Carson City, NV

    Dear Buck,

    Carl and I read the Escanaba Press on our computer each night and we were saddened to read that Gene has passed away. We want to express our sympathy to you and yours. May God bless you and keep you in the coming days.

    Love to you and your family,

    Carl and Marilyn Olson
    Palm Harbor, FL

    He was a great guy and a pleasure to know. He was always just a fun guy to talk to and be around. I will never forget him. All the very best to his wife and family.

    Rene Marcoe
    Escanaba, MI

    To the Verhamme family,

    My heart is with you as we were in the same situation last year on the 12th when we lost our Dad.

    That Nov. Gene came to visit us at camp, with him he brought a smile and a couple of jokes:-)) Those visits will be sadly missed.

    Diane is a very special friend…..my thoughts,prayers and love to her as I know how much she loved her Uncle Gene.

    Gloria Waeghe Kohnert
    Gladstone, MI

    Buck-Mike-Pat-Mary and families,

    I am so sorry for the loss of Gene. Knowing him as I have all my life, I can say he was a hell of a guy. Always kind and honest. He will be sadly missed by all of us. He was like family. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all, I wish I could be there to help support you during this time.
    Celebrate his life as it was fulfilled. Try not to mourn his death. Smile when you think of him for he is smiling back at you. He was with us in body, the Lord now has his spirit.

    God Bless you all.

    Jackie{Sassy}Terry Mott and Family
    Orange Park, FL


    I am very sorry for your loss. My parents always speak so highly of Gene, his kindness and his friendship.

    You are in my prayers.

    Sally O’Connell Kelley
    East Walpole, MA

    Our deepest sympathies to the Vehamme family. We will miss our friend and neighbor on Lakeside.

    You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Bill, Sara and Hannah Hawker
    Lindenhurst, IL

    Our deepest sympathies to you, Bernadette and your family. Gene was a great person; we enjoyed his friendship and looked forward to seeing him at the 10th Mountain activities. We’ll keep you in our prayers.

    Art and Kathy Gischia
    Ishpeming, MI

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