0 Tributes for “Ernest LaBumbard

    Respected and trusted as a business associate and loved as a friend by all of us at UPCPC. That toothless grin, head tilted, and a sparkle in his eye will not be forgotton.The boys ( & Susie )were trained well by Rita & EJ and will continue to carry on the ‘ole mans legacy. A fine man with a fine family, what more can a man ask for.

    John Kloet

    EJ taught me a lot growing up. I saw a hard working man who earned everything he had, through hardship and good times. He was tough on his boys when it came to business, but for a purpose. He knew what it took to be successful and wanted to pass that on to his family. He had a big heart and would give the shirt off his back for those in need. I have great memories of EJ, he’ll be truly missed.

    Jim Gardner
    Iowa Park, TX

    Marty – so sorry to hear about your Father. My sympathies are with you and your family.

    Negaunee, MI

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