Eleanor F. Grenholm, a long time resident of Escanaba, passed away peacefully Thursday evening, December 4, 2008 at the age of 96.
Known for her sweet and gentle nature by all, she will also be remembered for her love of family and her love of card games, especially bridge. Formerly an active member in many social and charitable groups including Escanaba Women
Ronnie – So sorry for your loss. I thought of you this morning out of a clear blue sky. “Nous serons en retard aujourd’hui aujourd’hui” Remember? Hazel Stoeffhaas Lee, Denver, Colorado
Hazel Stoeffhaas Lee
Denver, CO
We knew Eleanor thru my Dad, Harry Fedrickson. When they were both at Bishop Noa they rekindled their friendship after being neighbors on lakeshore drive. Each day I visited my Dad, I also visited with Eleanor…we would take her to the coffee room with us…she would have tea..we would often sing old songs and poems together. It was a joy to get to know her. After my Dad passed 2 years ago I only visited her a few times as it was hard to go back. But I will always think of her fondly. So sorry for your loss…perhaps she and Dad will be having Christmas tea together this year!!!! with love Julie and Jon Neisius
Julie Neisius
Escanaba, MI
Our family will always remember growing up across the street from George and Eleanor. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Eleanor was a really special person. She will be missed but now can join George.
John & Margo Hebert
Bloomfield Hills, MI
I am the Volunteer Ombudsman at the Bishop Noa Home. I usually visit 2-3 times each month, always stopping to enjoy a visit with Eleanor. What a delightful and precious lady! I will miss her.
Vicki Adkins
Gladstone, MI
Dear Veronica, Gary and family,
We are so very sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. She and your dad were neighbors of our parents, Rueben and Marge Griewe. Mom and Dad have also both passed away, but they often spoke of their fondness for Eleanor and George. Dad parked his car in the garage for a number of years after your folks no longer used it. He always appreciated their generosity in allowing him to do so. In recent years when I took Dad to visit your mom at Bishop Noa, he and she had good visits reminiscing even though both were suffering from memory losses. When we would thank her for the use of the garage, she would always respond by saying “isn’t it wonderful that we could be neighbors and help each other out — that’s what good friends are all about”. I too appreciated that Dad had an old friend to visit when he was in failing health himself. It always brightened his day to see Eleanor.
May you know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers at this time.
Mike and Carol Manning and the family of Rueben and Marge Griewe
Gladstone, MI