0 Tributes for “Edmund Waeghe

    SIGNS SIGNS EVERYWHERE ARE SIGNS,,, I Don’t Know how many people look back at this but every time I bring up this WEB SITE, Dad’s Tribute page is there!! AUTO MATICLY !! Never new I could miss someone SOOOOOOOOO!!!! Much!! It’s kinda weird cuz I am finding myself, fixing or repairing the simplest things, like Gloria’s favorite fix it all,DUCT TAPE!!!!! It works on Alot of STUFF!!! Dog (JET) munched on the new garden hose, Duct tape and electrical tape, WORKED!!!! Different Music I here makes me think of Dad, He’s still letting All of us know He’s in our heart’s forever!!! Patsy Cline,”BLUE” Was one of his favorites, I LOVE IT , but gotta say, HOT ROD LINCOLN, will always be the ultimate!! And then there’s the DRAGONFLY !! They seem to find me wherever I go, that’s sentimental!! We used to go fishing, That’s where I learned about Wiggler’s!! I’d rather put one of them on a hook than a worm, cuz they curled around your finger,easier to hook, and not so slimey!! I’ll love you forever Dad, thanks for letting me get to know all the wonder’s of the world,sand,wind,water,FIRE, wood, sun,stars,like you, the MOON, How to drive, I’m still hitting the floor for the clutch in the first AUTOMATIC vehicle I’ve ever owned!! EVOL OUY !! We used to read road signs backwords, now I know where I get my dislecsia from!! Being Belgian is beautiful!! Thanks Dad!! All the stuff you wanted Terry to do with that tractor at camp, well lots is done, He got mad a few times, went inside, looked at your picture, and said “HEY,Why don’t you jump out of there and come and help me” Well ya must of, cuz the rest he made look easily done, in alot less time!!!!! I could go on, and on,,,,, Mom’s doing well, LOVE FOREVER THERE! And All us Kids love and miss you too!More than words can say!!! LOVE YOU DAD
    Mia Maki
    Gladstone, MI

    Ed is my sons grandfather when he talk cars I listened. I ask him one time what kind of oil do you use and he said “anything but Pennzoil” well never used Pennzoil again been Twenty years now with no Regrets he was a great friend and loving grandpa. We will Love and miss him

    James M Weber
    Ford River, MI

    Uncle Babe was always around helping my father with his auto repair projects. It was always nice when he came down to visit my parents and take time out for coffee. Sorry we won’t be able to be there for the rest of the family, but please know our thoughts and prayers are with you, as it doesn’t seem that long ago that I lost my father too.

    Karen Dahl
    Gladstone, MI

    My deepest sympathy to the Waeghe Family. Especially to Patty, my second mom and my best bud Dan. Keep your heads up, and know that my thoughts are with you and all your family. Love ya.

    Patrick Anderson
    Escanaba, MI

    I remember my grandpa telling stories about Model-A’s and being up at camp. My grandpa loved being up at camp, playing with all us kids, and he loved to tease us and make us laugh. Even though I will not be able to be with my family physically for the celebration of his life, I will be with everyone with my heart. I love you all. Be strong for Grandma. Grandpa Waeghe use to take me into his garage when I was little and tell me all about what project he was doing at that time. I would ask a question about his Model A and he would tell me all about my question with about 3 stories. Grandpa has a passion for machines and a love for Ford. When I would watch my Uncle Terry and Grandpa talk about engines I learned the whole process of mechanics is trial and error. Thank you Grandpa for everything that you have taught me and I will still be asking you questions when I’m working on my truck unless its a Ford cause then a typical Ford does not have to be worked on. 🙂

    Daniel Weber
    Baghdad, Iraq

    Please know that my sincere sympathy and best wishes are with you at this difficult time. Both you and Babe are in my prayers.

    Clinton Butler
    Chandler, AZ

    To all of The Waeghe Family our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

    Mike & Carol DeShambo
    Escanaba, MI

    What do you say about the man that raised you and taught you about all the good things in life. I love my dad with all my heart and the best tribute that I can leave is a poem I wrote about him. Here it is:

    A beautiful sunrise, a setting sun, a walk in the woods, a days work is done. Getting up ealy to hear the birds sing, and catch all the wonders each day would bring. The sound of childrens laughter sure made him smile, he’d stop and get lost in a thought for awhile. A penny for your thoughts he would sometimes say, if he would catch us daydreaming on any given day. Cars and Truck were more than a passion, they were his life and it brought the cash in. Sunday rides were always so fun, reading signs backwards or seeing deer on the run. Counting the Fords as they went on by, the rest were just junk so they didn’t apply. Learning to drive, now that was a treat, with the ’54 Monster and mighty shaky feet. With patience and practice he taught us all, not only about driving but about life in general. The camp in Osier, “Rocky Acres” he wants it to be is where you’ll find peace and quiet and serenity. The man we’re talking about is none other than Dad, and the one thing we learned is NEVER make him mad. We love you Dad, we will ’til the end, when one by one we’ll be a family again.

    Written on 10-21-04 by his daughter
    Patty Waeghe
    Ford River, MI

    Let me tell you of a story bout a man named Ed, He bought a camp in Osier and he thought it was a shed,Next thing ya know his daughters moved in, couldn’t do nothing cuz they was kin, Belgian that is, Yoopers, Pyromaniac’s! Well the next thing ya know, there draggin in the Deer, didn’t know how to gut ’em so they cut ’em from the ear, brother says “I’ll gut ’em if ya bring the heart here!” Fry it up with onions, mushrooms, and Beer, wild game, hard to tame. The end of September we have a birthday bash, it’s a tradition that will last,and last, and last. So come have a toast to Ed and his Shed, and We guarantee you’ll be very well fed. You all come back now, Ya hear !!

    Mia Maki
    Gladstone, MI

    Grandpa made me the tomboy I am. I will always remember sitting in the garage and helping grandpa work on the cars,motorbikes or anything that had a motor! The last time I was with grandpa he was teaching me how to stretch the top to a Model A he was rebuilding! I had to laugh at him, I wanted to say I’ve grown to a woman and not a tomboy any more and realized the sparkle in his eyes and how happy I was to be back in the garage again with my Grandpa! I gave grandpa a big hug that day before leaving back to Arizona and he hugged me right back. Found out later that wasn’t Grandpas thing. I had to giggle about that…Grandpa Waeghe was always the one person I have admire the most! Grandpa will always be beside me and in my heart no matter where I am! I love you Grandpa with all my heart and Soul:)

    Kelly Brunette
    Mesa, AZ

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