0 Tributes for “Dwayne Feathers

    To the Family of Dwayne: Im very very Sorry to hear about the loss of Dwayne I graduated with him at Gladstone High School I used to always hang around with him I liked him a lot he will be missed!!!!! My Prayers are with you all
    Pat Pierron
    Gladstone, MI

    Dear Neighbors,

    We are deeply saddened by the untimely death of your son DJ. He was one of my students at a younger age. I found him a delighful boy and cannot imagine the pain in losing a child so young. Our deepest sympathy to you at this sad time.

    The Weyckers from Lakeside Drive
    Rapid River, MI

    Dear Dwayne,Mary,and Family

    My deepest sympathy to your family I will keep you in my prayers during this diffult time

    Judy and Dave Warner
    Escanaba, MI

    To Dwayne, Cherie and family:

    I’m so sorry about your loss, I was in automotive classes with Dwayne and went on to get a A.S. and B.S. in Automotive. He knew his stuff, was very skilled and knowlegable about business.

    I saw him around every now and then, I regret not talking to him more.

    My sincerest condolences.

    Jake Nyquist
    Gladstone, MI

    Dwayne and I were very good friends thru high school. We were usualy togather hanging out or working on a car somewhere. After school we lost touch. I had not heard from Dwayne in about 8 years but I still thought about him and told stories to my friends about the good times we had.

    Dwayne was a great person and a better friend than most. I will miss him and greatly regret that we did not have the time to talk once more. He will always be a part of my life.

    My deepest condolences go out to his family and friends.

    Ben Williams
    Savannah, GA

    Cherie and Family We are so sorry about Dwayne. I just want to thank you for all the good things Dwayne had done for Nick and what good friends they had been for so many years. You have a great son in Dwayne and we will always remember and miss him .

    Lynn, Harland, and Nick Deneau
    Gladstone, MI

    Dear Cherie and Family,

    I’m so deeply saddened by the sudden loss of your son, Dwayne. I’m so very sorry. You have been, and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers; not only now, but in the days, weeks, and years to follow. You are a very special person.

    With love and care,

    Lisa Croft,
    OSF Healthcare System.
    Washington, IL

    Wanted to offer my deepest sympathy for your loss, I did not know Dwayne personally but remember the Family growing up in Rapid River, and being aneishnabe also.

    Betty Petonquot LeMarble
    Sheridan, MI

    The Family of Dwayne,

    My greatest sympathy goes out to your family. I did not know Dwayne but my brother and mother knew him well. Brian talked about Dwayne and he was a good friend to Brian. He taught Brian many tinting specialities and they worked together on cars all the time. Dwayne was very good to my Mother after Brian passed away. He made myself and my mother a special tinted picture of Brian for our car that I will always cherish. He made special trips to Brian’s plot and always left notes that my mother will hold on to forever. Please know that he is in a special place and never will be forgotten.

    The Family of Brian Ericson
    Escanaba, MI

    I am so sorry about Dwayne’s death. I didn’t hear about it until recently. I graduated with him from high school and will always remember what a great guy he was. He and his family will be in my prayers. I wish I would have had more of an opportunity to talk to him since graduation.

    Megan Pairolero
    Milwaukee, WI

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