3 Tributes for “David “D. Hubert” Brown

    Uncle Hubie was a great guy and a real “kick” . . . I will always remember his great laugh! He was a really good friend to my dad helping him with building and other projects all their lives, my heartfelt condolences!

    Great photo of Uncle Hubie, just the way I remember him. He was always smiling and like my brother Bill posted, he had a great laugh! He and my Dad did a lot of “handy” work together! What a pair they were. I will hold the memories of Uncle Hubie and Aunt Merida close to my heart. My sincere condolences to the family, wish I could be there for the funeral. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

    My thoughts are with all the family, including Adam & Julia Brown, my brother-in-law and sister, as well as grandson Brad. It’s a wonderful picture of Mr. Brown (“D.Hubert”). In it I see pride and contentment from a good life. May he rest in peace.

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