0 Tributes for “Clarence Wilson

    I am so very sorry about the loss of your dad. He was a great person and will be missed. I ran into him in Wal-Mart a few months ago, and we had the chance to catch up on a few things. He was (and IS) so very proud of you and your children. What a great father and papa!

    As Betsy said in her message to you….we had just spoken of him a few hours before we heard he passed away! God Bless You Clarence!!

    I’m sure he’s still taking care of you all from above, Carmy, and he lives on in all of you.

    Arnold, MI

    Hello Carmy,

    I was saddened to hear of your dad’s death on Christmas Day, while visiting my Mom. In fact, it was very eerie….Mom mentioned Clarence just a couple of hours before Carol Koski called to tell us he’d died. I hadn’t thought about Clarence in years, but something made my Mom mention him on that same day. He was sending us a message from above! “Mar-a-dee, I need a haircut!” 🙂

    My sincere condolences on your loss. Clarence was always fun to have around and was great with little kids.

    Betsy Sundholm
    Ypsilanti, MI


    We are very sorry for the loss of your dad. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please let us know if you need anything. I will stop in at work to see you soon. God Bless.

    Chris and Dan Deneau
    Escanaba, MI

    Carmie and family: I remember your Dad from years ago in Watson when we were much younger. He was so devoted and proud of you and he carried on with that with your children. The days ahead will be hard but remember the beautiful memories you have of your Dad and your childrens Papa. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

    Cindy and Joe Plourde
    Cornell, MI

    To the family of Clarence

    We are very sorry for your loss, we have known Clarence for yrs, Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    Sue and Bob Zorza
    Arnold, MI

    Carmella & Family, Duff and I are very sorry for your loss of your father, grandfather & friend. I thought you might like this poem.


    We never knew that morning
    that God was going to call your name.
    In life we loved you dearly,
    in death we do the same.
    It broke our hearts to lose you,
    you did not go alone;
    for part if us went with you,
    the day God called you home.
    you left us peaceful memories,
    your love is still our guide;
    and though we cannot see you,
    you are always at our side.
    Our family chain is broken,
    and nothing seems the same;
    but as god calls us one by one,
    the Chain will link again.
    Till we meet again.

    Our Thoughts and Prayers are with you. Renae & Duff

    Renae DeFiore
    Gladstone, MI

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