Carlo Oja

Resided in Ensign, MI
Died February 8, 2008

Carlo Oja, of Ensign, received the very best answer to his daily prayers by going Home to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on Friday, February 08, 2008. He was 90 years old. Carlo had a strong Christian faith and will be remembered for his smile and for his ability to quote Scripture from God

0 Tributes for “Carlo Oja

    I only had the pleasure of meeting Carlo a couple of times, and found him to be a very affable and friendly man. I have known Linnea and all her family for over 50 years, and my sympathies go out to her and Darryl and the rest of the family.
    “But I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
    ….. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” I Thessalonians 4:13-14, 18

    Milo Austin
    Conway, AR

    Darryl & Family,

    I was so sorry to hear of Carlo’s passing. He & Linnea sat behind me in church and I would often talk with them. I didn’t know for quite some time that she was your mother. She finally mentioned it after one of the services. I saw him at church on Saturday nights frequently after her accident and we always talked, often about her. I miss seeing them both. My thoughts are with you all.

    Beverly Kee-Columb
    Rapid River, MI

    I just want to send my regards to the family. What a beautiful testament to a wonderful person and wonderful life. I remember Carlo as a friend of Grandpa and Dad. Heaven is rejoicing at the welcoming of a Saint.

    Great blessings to his family.

    Betty Petonquot LeMarble
    Sheridan, MI

    I am so sorry to hear about Carlo. He was a very interesting person to listen and talk to . Him and Linnea was such a “cute” couple. Sorry but can not make the services, so I jsut wanted to let you know you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, Karin Brower with family

    Karin Brower
    Rock, MI

    I’m sorry to hear that Carlo has died. I’ve known Carlo as a friend and a good neighbor. God Bless Him. He will be missed by many.

    David Kuchan
    Henning, TN

    It was always a pleasure to meet Carl. He upheld his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by reciting Scripture and giving the hope of a life in Christ brings to those he encountered. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” We’ll see you “in the morning” (Psalm 30.5).

    Linda Greenlund Nash
    Belmont, MI

    Dear Darryl, LuAnn & family,

    We are sorry we are not there to celebrate Carlo’s life. We will miss seeing him at Grace but are happy for him to be home with his Lord and Savior. Give Linnea a hug for us. See you in the Spring. Love and Prayers Shurlee & Jim

    Shurlee Plouff
    Gladstone, MI

    Sorry to hear of your lost but we know he is in a better place. Our prayers are whith you all.

    Randy Stemick
    Wyaconda, MO

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