0 Tributes for “Bernhardt Frigard

    We will miss you tremendously. We will never forget what a great dad and grandpa you were.We love you so very much!

    Brian, Peggy & family
    Eugene, OR

    I love you dad…

    Brenda Nantelle
    Gladstone, MI

    My Father was the most giving Father I could of ever hoped for, he was stubbren, funny,and had a way about him that once you met him you would not ever forget him. He was/is the only Male figure I ever looked up to for help-especially when I was feeling alone. He listened-he cared. Most of all I got to be one of those who got to be his daughter-I was truley Blessed!!! I love you Dad-Take care of Mom and our babies!!!I know they will be very glad to have you with them-it’s their turn now!

    Christine Frigard
    Menominee, MI

    He was my friends father, though I didn’t know him real well. I always thought of him as a nice man. He was always nice to me and I pray his family finds peace in his passing and God will give them the strength to carry on until it is time to rejoin him in God’s great kingdom.

    Laura Anderson
    Gladstone, MI

    Oh what memories I have, growing up with you and the kids…you are the gentlest soul, and my dad will be happy to see you again! Enjoy your reunion, and give my dad all my love! Love, Sherry

    Sherry Koch (Frigard)
    Tucson, AZ

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