9 Tributes for “Beatrice Pauline Feldhusen

    To the Feldhusen Family-
    We are so sorry for you loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Love and Miss You, Toni & Ernie

    To the family of Bea….heartfelt condolensces from Tom and Patricia Feldhusen. Saying goodbye is difficult, but when you know the person has lived a full, rich life and know she will be rewarded in heaven, it does help a little.

    Bea you are remembered now and always…Rosie and you took care of Josh while I worked,spoiling him, helping with homework, and ALWAYS being our friends. We will always be thinking of you.

    My prayers go with the family of Bea. The Racine’s lived next door to her and her family. Her love of music caused me (at an early age) to borrow her records and record them. Such wonderful memories.Deacon Phil and June (Boudreau) Racine

    Pat,Kathy,Heather & Jeff, Sorry to hear of the passing of your Mother & Grandmother. Keeping you all in my thoughts & prayers at this difficult time.

    Pat, Lori and Rosie,We are sending our sympathy to you all. We cannot be there in person but please know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Your mom was like a 2nd mother to me growing up, and I wish I could’ve visited more often. Just know that now she is no longer suffering and is flying high with the angels and visiting with my mom. Bless you all! Love, Cathy and Jack Niles

    Oh my gosh we are so sorry. So shocked to learn of your Moms passing. We are making arrangements today for our own sister, Kay, who passed away. Do you remember us. Patrick, I lived next door, ” Muzzer ” was my mom. You and I played together with Rosie and my brother Bobby. I wrote your Mom in Sept. I always wanted to buy more dish cloths. Haila and I bought a bunch the last time we stopped. My sister has been dying for these past 3 weeks so it’s a blessing. Kay MacGillis is her name. Pls. Tell the girls we are sorry for their loss. I hope she didn’t suffer

    Pat, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to exclude you! You have our Sympathy too. Your mom was so good to our mom. She helped her out many years ago when you were just a little boy. She was good for my Mom. My mom was alone cuz my Dad worked on the boats, so Bea was there for her. It’s only as I got older that I appreciated the gift she was. I saw the posting from Phil Racine ,,brings back memories.. Pam

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