0 Tributes for “Arnold Fyhr

    Kathy-we’re so sorry to hear about your dad. He was such a fun guy! Remember when he would bring us to camp, if only he knew. His funny “Bet your sweet pettudy” & “Fart blossom Saturday night” sayings. When he would go get Judy & all she’d want was chicken. Now they can eat chicken all they want together in Heaven. “Arnie” was a good dad & a great grandpa. Love, Guy & Nancy Gereau & Family.

    Nancy Gereau
    Gladstone, MI

    Don,Kathy, and Janice, Sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad. I hope you’re comforted in knowing he’s not suffering anymore. Keep talking about things he always did and said, and that will keep all of you smiling! With Love,

    Mia Maki
    Gladstone, MI

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