Alice Burklund

Resided in Rapid River, MI
Died April 25, 2012

Rapid River, MI
Alice H. Burklund, age 88, of 8227 Garth Point Lane, Rapid River, passed away surrounded by her loving family Wednesday afternoon April 25, 2012 at the Christian Park Health Care Center in Escanaba.

Alice was born January 14, 1924 in Detroit, Michigan. She was the daughter of German Immigrants George and Anna (Schomig) Mayer. She and her sister were raised in Germantown in Detroit, where she graduated in 1942 from Denby High School. Alice has always taken great pride in the fact that she was a hard working

16 Tributes for “Alice Burklund

    Dear Robin and family,We are saddened to learn of the death of your beloved mother. We always enjoyed visiting with her and enjoyed her wonderful personality immensely. We are sorry we cannot be with you to express our sentiments personally, but, please know that we are with you in both spirit and prayer. We hope we can see you this summer when get up to visit at our home at Twin Springs. Warmest regards and best wishes to all. Bill and Chetti Green

    MY Dear Joanne and sorry for you loss, our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family..
    wish that we could be there with you.
    Glen and Faye.

    Dear Robin, Alice, Ed and all the Burklund Family,My thoughts and prayers are will you all at this difficult time. Sincerely, Cherie Drossard (Mackie)

    I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Praying your wonderful memories of Lee with give you great comfort and joy.
    Betty Petonquot LeMarble
    Sheridan, MI

    So sorry to hear about Lee noone notified me so I didnt know, I had many laughs with him and will miss him when I visit rapid river

    Lisa Bigelow
    St. Ignace, MI

    We just learned of Lee’s death, we will always remember him fondly. He came here regularly, to visit or just to pick black berries. He made us a beautiful farm sign last year. Our sympathy’s go to your families. We would have been there if we had known. He was a wonderful fun loving person. We enjoyed him very much.

    Terry and Roxanne Schramm
    Rapid River, MI

    He will always be remembered as you share the stories and the memories of how he lived his life and how very much he meant, may you find comfort…And, throughout this difficult time, may you also know the deep sympathy and concern that is felt for you and all your family. I have fought the fine fight, I have run the course to the finish, I have observed the faith.-2Timothy 4:7. As for me, I will lie down that I may sleep; I shall certainly awake, for Jehovah himself keeps supporting me. -Psalms 3:5

    Magallon Family

    Steve, Sharon, and Boyer family,
    I was so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you today. Memories serve well those left behind. I hope they bring you much comfort.

    Kay (LaBumbard) Neumann
    Omaha, NE

    One of the first people I met when I moved to Rapid River. A good friend and a good family. Great neighbors. Sorry to hear that Lee is gone. Sorry I could not be there tonight.

    Russ Simmons
    Rapid River, MI

    To Joyce and the entire Boyer family: I am so sorry for the loss of your husband, Dad and Grandpa. Rely on your wonderful memories and each other to get through, and take one day at a time!

    Becki Roberts Hess
    Gladstone, MI

    While reading I came across the name of Lee, your dear loved one. I understand well the pain that this time can cause, so I wanted to take this time to express my condolence to you for your loss. I know that a time like this is never easy to deal with. That’s why the scriptures at (1 Corth. 15:26)–Calls death an ” Enemy” to mankind because it takes our loved ones away from us. However I wanted to share a thought with you that comforted me when I lost two family members in death. The man Job in ( Job 14:14) asks” If an able-bodied man dies can he live again?”. Happily Jesus answers in ( John 5:28,29)-” Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life” Imagine how wonderful it will be to see our loved ones resurrected back to life and right here on earth.–( Ps.37:29)-?The righteous themselves will posses the earth. And they will reside forever upon it?. Jesus in ( John 5:28) was relaying a promise from his heavenly Father-(Jehovah-(Ps.83:18) who at (Titus 1:2) says is a ” God who can not lie” Well I hope that you will be able to draw some comfort from these scriptural thoughts as I did. Now I will end by saying, may you find peace in the bible’s promises and in the treasured memories of Lee.

    George Jackson III
    Lynchburg, VA

    Steve, Sharon and family, I am so sorry to hear about your loss!

    Jason and Beth Way
    Trenary, MI

    Joyce,Cherie,Susie,Steve,Sandy,Mike and grandchildren,you have our deepest sympathy. All of you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Dick & Lucy Switzer
    Titusville, FL

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family. Lee was a great guy.

    Bill & Kathy Morin & Kids
    Kentwood, MI

    Steve, Mike, and Family, So sorry for your loss. Your dad was a good man. You are in our prayers.

    Sherry and Rick Nutt Sr.
    K.I. Sawyer, MI

    Rudy and Phyllis had some good times with Joyce and Lee,at their home one the water, and in Rapid river,we had many laughs. We will remember their visit to Fl. how they enjoyed the warm weather and swimming in Feb. Lee was a hard worker,and a good provider. His family was always gracious and we enjoyed knowing them all.We know they will miss their dad.

    Rudy and Phyllis Nartker
    Lapeer, MI

    Joyce & family,
    My condolences on your loss. You were blessed to have had Lee as a wonderful partner for many years. Have fond memories of working with you at Strom, Hoehn, Shipman, et al law firm for several years. You consistenly favored your co-workers with delicious baked goods. My thoughts and prayers are with you now and the months ahead.

    LeVonne (Bonnie) Yelland
    Loves Park, IL

    Dear Robin and family You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    A wonderful Mom and Grandma, Great Grandma
    Mary and Dad (Alex) at the gas station .. miss visiting w/ you and sharing stories while working..
    you have good memories!

    Very sorry to hear about Alice. She was such a good member of our Town & Country FCE group. Alice was always involved and ready to lend a helping hand. She will be sadly missed. So sorry for your loss.

    I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Praying your wonderful memories of Lee with give you great comfort and joy.
    Betty Petonquot LeMarble
    Sheridan, MI

    So sorry to hear about Lee noone notified me so I didnt know, I had many laughs with him and will miss him when I visit rapid river

    Lisa Bigelow
    St. Ignace, MI

    We just learned of Lee’s death, we will always remember him fondly. He came here regularly, to visit or just to pick black berries. He made us a beautiful farm sign last year. Our sympathy’s go to your families. We would have been there if we had known. He was a wonderful fun loving person. We enjoyed him very much.

    Terry and Roxanne Schramm
    Rapid River, MI

    He will always be remembered as you share the stories and the memories of how he lived his life and how very much he meant, may you find comfort…And, throughout this difficult time, may you also know the deep sympathy and concern that is felt for you and all your family. I have fought the fine fight, I have run the course to the finish, I have observed the faith.-2Timothy 4:7. As for me, I will lie down that I may sleep; I shall certainly awake, for Jehovah himself keeps supporting me. -Psalms 3:5

    Magallon Family

    Steve, Sharon, and Boyer family,

    I was so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you today. Memories serve well those left behind. I hope they bring you much comfort.

    Kay (LaBumbard) Neumann
    Omaha, NE

    One of the first people I met when I moved to Rapid River. A good friend and a good family. Great neighbors. Sorry to hear that Lee is gone. Sorry I could not be there tonight.

    Russ Simmons
    Rapid River, MI

    To Joyce and the entire Boyer family: I am so sorry for the loss of your husband, Dad and Grandpa. Rely on your wonderful memories and each other to get through, and take one day at a time!

    Becki Roberts Hess
    Gladstone, MI

    While reading I came across the name of Lee, your dear loved one. I understand well the pain that this time can cause, so I wanted to take this time to express my condolence to you for your loss. I know that a time like this is never easy to deal with. That’s why the scriptures at (1 Corth. 15:26)–Calls death an ” Enemy” to mankind because it takes our loved ones away from us. However I wanted to share a thought with you that comforted me when I lost two family members in death. The man Job in ( Job 14:14) asks” If an able-bodied man dies can he live again?”. Happily Jesus answers in ( John 5:28,29)-” Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life” Imagine how wonderful it will be to see our loved ones resurrected back to life and right here on earth.–( Ps.37:29)-?The righteous themselves will posses the earth. And they will reside forever upon it?. Jesus in ( John 5:28) was relaying a promise from his heavenly Father-(Jehovah-(Ps.83:18) who at (Titus 1:2) says is a ” God who can not lie” Well I hope that you will be able to draw some comfort from these scriptural thoughts as I did. Now I will end by saying, may you find peace in the bible’s promises and in the treasured memories of Lee.

    George Jackson III
    Lynchburg, VA

    Steve, Sharon and family, I am so sorry to hear about your loss!

    Jason and Beth Way
    Trenary, MI

    Joyce,Cherie,Susie,Steve,Sandy,Mike and grandchildren,you have our deepest sympathy. All of you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Dick & Lucy Switzer
    Titusville, FL

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family. Lee was a great guy.

    Bill & Kathy Morin & Kids
    Kentwood, MI

    Steve, Mike, and Family, So sorry for your loss. Your dad was a good man. You are in our prayers.

    Sherry and Rick Nutt Sr.
    K.I. Sawyer, MI

    Rudy and Phyllis had some good times with Joyce and Lee,at their home one the water, and in Rapid river,we had many laughs. We will remember their visit to Fl. how they enjoyed the warm weather and swimming in Feb.

    Lee was a hard worker,and a good provider.

    His family was always gracious and we enjoyed knowing them all.We know they will miss their dad.

    Rudy and Phyllis Nartker
    Lapeer, MI

    Joyce & family,

    My condolences on your loss. You were blessed to have had Lee as a wonderful partner for many years. Have fond memories of working with you at Strom, Hoehn, Shipman, et al law firm for several years. You consistenly favored your co-workers with delicious baked goods.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you now and the months ahead.

    LeVonne (Bonnie) Yelland
    Loves Park, IL

    Very sorry to hear about Alice. She was such a good member of our Town & Country FCE group. Alice was always involved and ready to lend a helping hand. She will be sadly missed. So sorry for your loss.

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