Acyne Hilling, age 78, of Rock, passed away Tuesday morning August 24, 2010 at the Mather Nursing Home in Ispheming where she currently was a resident. Her husband Harold preceded her in death. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced.

There will be a private funeral service on the 26th of September 2010 for Acyne Hilling and Harold M. Hilling, at the home of her beloved daughter in Southern Illionois.Acyne Hilling, and her deceased son Harold M. Hilling will be honored and remembered by immediate family memebers. Acyne,survived by beloved daughter Mary, husband Stephen, grandchildren Merisa and David, great grandchildren Devin, Chloe, and Preston and nephew Dale. After the funeral the remains of Acyne and Harold M. Hilling will be taken up the St. Louis Arch and the ashes released into the Mississippi River. God Bless all of youthat keep the memories of Acyne and Harold M. in their hearts.
Thank You.
Mary & Stephen Jacobson
FairviewHeights, IL
I knew Acyne she was a beautiful woman, loving Mother and Awesome Grandmother to her grandchildren Mike and Niko. She will be sorely missed. My prayers and thoughts go out to her Daughter Mary who loved her Mother so so much.
Clovis, NM
Acyne was my mother-in-law. She was like a mom close by. My mom lives in NYC. I would always go fishing with Harold on the weekends and when we came home, there was always a delicious home cooked meal for us.
She took care of our two children when needed and always came to visit us on tht AirBase. I will miss her very, very much! God Bless you Acyne!
Southern, IL
I will miss my grandma very much. I was always her little cupcake. I am so sad that I didnt get a chance for her to meet her two other great grandchildren.
Merisa (Jacobson) Frederick
Livingston, IL
Acyne Hilling was a good grandma and babysitter. I’m sure she’ll be missed.
Helmi Lepisto
Rock, MI
I knew Acyne she was a beautiful woman, loving Mother and Awesome Grandmother to her grandchildren Mike and Niko. She will be sorely missed. My prayers and thoughts go out to her Daughter Deb who loved her Mother so so much.
Marquette, MI