Mildred (Proctor) Holster

Resided in Cornell, MI
Died November 3, 2016

Cornell, MIMildred “Mim” (Proctor) Holster, age 88, of Cornell, passed away Thursday evening, November 3, 2016, at St. Francis Hospital in Escanaba. Her husband Kenneth is listed among the surviving family.

3 Tributes for “Mildred (Proctor) Holster

    Aunt Mim you had a blessed wonderful life. Full of Music, Family, and Jesus Christ. The joy you will have seeing old Grandma and old Grandpa! You will be greatly missed by Dave, myself and the kids. Thanksgiving will not be the same with out you and your conversations of current events, politics, and your stories of your travels. May you rest in peace.

    Mimi, We had so many Finnfest trips and so many dances. Met so many new friends. Our 15 years together were the best. Hei hei, Lovie! Keneti

    Mimi, We had so many Finnfest trips and so many dances. Met so many new friends. Our 15 years together were the best. Hei hei, Lovie! Keneti

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