0 Tributes for “Margaret Gibbs

    When I think of Aunt Margaret, I see her smile, then hear her chuckle followed by a great big laugh! I haven’t seen her for several years, but her joy of living comes back to me so vividly.
    My love to all her family.

    Marilyn Jenkinson
    Arlington, VA

    Mrs. Gibbs has been such a wonderful, gratious nieghbor. I loved to hear her stories of her family and how she loved each of them. She will be missed by all who had privilage to have had her touch our lives.

    Mark L. Seney
    Gladstone, MI

    Gibbs Family-My deepest sympathy to all of you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Julie Hartung
    Ishpeming, MI

    Tom, Sue, Shelly, Jenny, Scott & Julie,

    Our deepest sympathies on the loss of your Mom & Grandma. She was such a generous person and we are grateful that she was a part of our lives in Escanaba. We will keep you in our thoughts & prayers this week. Love,

    Barbara, Kevin, Keith & Kristen
    Venice, FL

    Dear Jim and Family,

    We were so sorry to hear of Margaret’s death. She was always such a smiling and happy person, and so glad to see another “cuz”.

    Kathy and I are in Milwaukee and won’t be home until later in the week. We will miss being with all of you as you celebrate Margaret’s life. She is missed already.


    Dan and Kathy Creten
    Escanaba, MI

    I know I speak for many when I say that Aunt Marg was always as welcoming, warm and fun-loving as you could get, and her natural friendliness and sense of fun was infectious. She also had a knack for making all those around her feel happy and glad to be near. While it’s been a few years since we had the pleasure to see her, Uncle Jim and the many of the other beloved Yooper relatives, we will always fondly remember the wonderful times and her legacy lives on through the relatives and all those she touched in her amazing lifetime. We love you Aunt Marg !

    Jack, Jennifer Ainsley and Brianna Gibbs, Chicago
    Chicago, IL

    Jesus will certainly remember Aunt “Sandy”Margaret Gibbs as she enteres into His Kingdom. God bless the rest of the family during this sad time for all of us, but an “ALLELUIA” time for her.

    Tom Philbin, Jr. and family
    Grand Rapids, MI

    Sue and family,So sorry to hear of your mom’s passing.I remember a good lady with lots of energy and a wonderful smile. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    JoAnn Peippo
    Escanaba, MI

    My sympathy and prayers for all of the family at this time of Margaret’s death. I’ll always remember her positive attitude and smile. She was always attentive to my mom at Mass on Sunday also. May she be at peace with her God.

    Sister Jo Ann Creten
    Atlanta, GA

    Love and prayers to our Aunt Marg. You made everybody happy.

    John, Marily , Karen and families
    John Gibbs
    Arlington Hts., IL

    Jim, Pam and Family, My thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family at this time of Loss. I’m here if you need anything.

    Sherri Thorold-Buchanan
    Gladstone, MI

    I’m a long time friend of Mrs. Gibb’s daughter Chris and I’ll always remember how kind and friendly she was to all of us (Chris’ friends)when we were pesty teenagers. Rest in peace Mrs. Gibbs and to all of the Gibbs family I’m so sorry for your loss.

    Kristina Winling Fennell
    Escanaba, MI

    May God be with you and comfort you during this time of sorrow. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sharon Reisner
    Escanaba, MI

    Just a note to express our sympathy.

    We loved Margarets sense of humor and how she enjoyed life. She expressed her love for her family in a special way.She will be missed by all who knew her.

    Mike and Colleen
    Gladstone, MI

    Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you…


    Cheryl & Pat Denessen
    Escanaba, MI

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