2 Tributes for “Kilbourne A. Belanger

    I will miss going to visit Ug to get gardening tips and vitamin advice. He was so cute and helpful to anyone who would ask for advice. He loved his garden, and I feel lucky to have known him.

    He was my great uncle. i have many fond memories of uncle Ug from my youth. i remember he, uncle elmer, my cousin Mike Rowland and i were working on uncle ug and aunt ginni’s house shortly after he retired and moved back to gladstone. uncle elmer, always the practical joker, had gotten uncle ug wound up about a door that had been delivered that swung the wrong way… uncle ug insisted we just hang the door upside down. you should have heard uncle ug’s response!
    i will always cherish the lessons he taught me about being a man.

    till we meet in heaven unc.

    love traves

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