Joseph “Joe” Sheridan, of Rapid River, born August 19, 1930 in Thief River Falls, Minnesota died February 21, 2023 at his home. Joe was a retired truck driver and a welder. He was preceded in death by his parents,two brothers and one sister. He was loved and will be missed by his wife of 54 years Doris, his brother David Sheridan, his children Wayne and Vicky Sheridan, Carol and Chuck Ferguson, Wendy and Larry Bosely, Jason and Cheryl Sheridan and Jeff and Darlene Sheridan, as well as nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, June 10, 2023 at the family home in Rapid River from 1 PM to 4 PM with the celebration being led by Pastor Paul Culbertson.

Williams Denam, Jr. - Colorado Springs, CO
Uncle Joe, you were an unforgettable character, and we will miss you. The only man I’ve ever known to play golf in cowboy boots.
Richard - Cornell, Mi
Joe was a hard worker and loved to weld and could lay out things in his head that worked. Your neighbors and the people that you worked with are gonna miss you a lot for the things you’ve done for them.
John lynch - Rapid River, Mi
We’ve only known Joe for the last ten years,but in that time I learned what a unique person he was. He was never afraid to tackle a project ,always willing to learn and to share life’s stories. I’m glad we had this time to work together and to share this friendship. Joe will always be well thought of and missed. John & Lucille
John lynch - Rapid River , Mi
We’ve only known Joe for the last ten years,but in that time I learned what a unique person he was. He was never afraid to tackle a project ,always willing to learn and to share stories. I’m glad we had this time to work together and to share this friendship. Joe will always be well thought of and missed. John & Lucille
Dennis Kempher - Gladstone, MI
He was one hell of a character. You never knew what he was gonna say or do next. He’d stop and help anybody if they needed it. I’m gonna miss him.
Mark Cowman - Escanaba, MI
There are people that you remember as prominent characters in your life when you were growing up and for me, Joe was one of those people. I spent my summers at my grandfather’s home on Garth Point and Joe and Dotty were two of the people who were friends of my family. I’ll always remember a time that, as a young child, I thought I was being funny and I pulled the string on a champagne popper when I was holding it near Joe’s ear. I thought he was going to kill me and I wouldn’t have blamed him. To this day, I have a picnic table in my backyard that Joe built. The wood is getting old and could use replacing buy the frame that Joe welded is just as strong as the day he made it. It makes me sad to that I had no idea, until today, that Joe had passed away. When we move on in life it’s so easy to lose touch with people who meant so much when we were growing up. Joe was a Hell of a character and a good man and while he may only remember me as an annoying kid, to me he’ll always be big Joe, the gravel voiced, truck driving welder. RIP Joe.