James V. Lang 58 of 1106 South 15th Street Escanaba, died at home on Sunday June 26, 2005 following a lenthly illness.
He was born August 21,1946 in Escanaba the son of Dr. Vernon and Clara (Labine) Lang and was married to the former Julie Pakarinen on February 12,1966. An Eagle Scout himself he was a Cub Scout Leader for Pack #411 and the voice of the Pinewood Derby for many years. In the middle to late 60

Dear Langs,
I am sorry for your loss. What I knew of Mr. Lang was a very
intelligent and nice man that always treated people with courtesy. I am sorry
once again. And Gus if you ever need anything just give me a call.
Your friend
Joe Duchaj
Escanaba, MI
Dear Lang Family,
I’m very sorry for your tragic loss. I’m glad that he was able to attend Gus’ graduation ceremony before he passed. I’m sure it meant very much to him.
My sincerest condolences,
Ivy Bishop
Our deepest sympathy goes out to you. We will keep you in our prayers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. We will truly miss the memories of Jim and the active part he played in our scouting lives.
Mary Van Dyke, Katie, Chief, Tonto & Geranimo Richards
Escanaba, MI
Dear Julie, Gus, and Doc,
I was sorry to hear that Jim has walked on. In the weeks and months and years to come, your love for one another will offer comfort and solice. May his memory burn bright!
With sympathy,
Elizabeth, Sarah, Luca and Giovanni
Elizabeth Lech Cintolo
Providence, RI
We would like to send our sympathy and our prayers to Julie and Gus. We hope that you will call upon us to help you any way possible. We and your church family at FPC care about you.
Rod & Roxanne Rahoi
Escanaba, MI
Dear Julie:
My classmate from the class of 1964, I am sorry to hear about Jim. Its such a hard time in one’s life, to have to bare this. I am so sorry and wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. Susan Mallmann and I have been talking a lot, and she let me know. So God be with you my friend. May he give you strength and courage to make it through such a hard time.
Jeanne (Ferguson) Gilbert
Valparaiso, IN
Dear Julie and the Lang family, I would like to express my condolences at the passing of your Husband Jim. I live in Atlanta and follow the Escanaba Daily Press via the Internet. I hope that during his last days he was at peace. God Bless
Kelly Ray
Atlanta, GA
Jim welcomed me and my family with open arms to Escanaba. He reached out to me with his friendship, great humor, knowledge of all things Escanaba, and warm kindness. I will always remember and give thanks for Jim. Bless you Julie, Gus, and Doc.
Scott White
Escanaba, MI