0 Tributes for “Allen Kidd

    Uncle Al has been a part of my life almost since I can first remember. He was a good man and he loved well. His love and faith will serve as an example to me through my life. I loved him as did many others and he will be missed greatly.
    Here’s to you Uncle Al, you are in my mind, heart, and prayers always.


    Matthew Dorvinen
    Green Bay, WI

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time of loss.

    Diane Srutowski & Maxine Cloutier
    Escanaba, MI


    I just want you to know I am thinking of you in this trying time in your life. I know you have had so much to deal with in the recent months and I think you are one of the strongest people I know. But you are a Saint and I say that from the Heart. Your dad was a great little guy and I will never forget his kindness he portrayed in his life. You were lucky to have him and still will. Come back to work soon.

    Lynn D
    Gladstone, MI

    Sis, So sorry we cannot be with you at this time. Al has really put up the good fight these last few years. We know it has been difficult for you both. He is now in a better place, no more suffering for him. You will be lonesome, but have your good memories. Our prayers are with you. Barb & Pete

    Peter Kutches
    Valrico, FL

    Hi Mary (Jalene too). I’m Susan, John and Marie Peltin’s daughter. I remember you two so well when you would come over to the house. I will keep you both in my prayers. And to you Jalene – may God bless you and keep you strong during this difficult time. Hang on to your beautiful memories of your dad. God Bless

    P.S. Every so often I check the Daily Press on-line.

    Susan Peltin
    San Diego, CA

    I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Al. I met Al when I was a young girl when my Dad, Bill Eis, would play golf with him. He always had a smile on his face and a positive thing to say to you when you saw him. He was well-respected at the Escanaba Country Club. Who knows….he’s probably got a foursome set up already in heaven with my Dad and maybe even Tony Cass. My condolences to your family.

    Cheri Eis Freed
    Watervliet, MI

    Aunt Butsy,

    Paul and I want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers at this hard time.


    Al was the best!!!!! I’m sure he’s having a talk with my Mom and Dad as we speak. Take care and I will talk with you when we get back from Arizona.

    Mary and Paul
    Escanaba, MI

    My heart goes out to all of you. Its very hard to lose a father. I always remember “Uncle Al” as someone who was always good to me.

    Love to you all

    Sue Meleski
    Kingsford, MI

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