0 Tributes for “Francis Krout

    Hi Dan, David, and Dick:
    I just heard that your Dad passed away. I feel bad that I was in Gladstone the day of the funeral and didn’t even know about it. My deepest sympathies to you all. He was a great guy. He and your Mom both were very special people and I remember them with love and affection. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Toni (Marmalick) Marchese
    De Pere, WI


    Very sorry to hear about your Dad. He was 14 days younger than my Dad, who passed in 2002. They were both WWII vets, and part of the ‘Great Generation’. Those experiences and sacrifices gave them a strength of character and integrity rarely seen today. We can be proud of them, as I’m sure you are.

    Take care,

    Steve Marty
    Green Bay, WI

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