0 Tributes for “Dan Finlan

    Hello Tom, Jeanne, and Joanne,
    I was so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. It brought back so many memories of Gladstone in the old days. Your store was so special to the neighborhood on the “East End.”

    Hope the three of you and your families are well and that the grief passes quickly.


    Toni Bal
    Grand Rapids, MI

    Dear Family, I am so sorry I can not be there to personally extend my sincere sympathy to you all. I will be out of town. Your parents gave us our start and financed our first home. They also gave me the privledge of being your babysitter. When I was old enough they let me work in the “little store.” I have never forgotten there kindness.

    Jack& Yvonne Sepic
    Gladstone, MI

    Tom, Jeanne and Joanne: My sympathies to you at this difficult time. Uncle Dan was such a kind, loving man. I have so many good memories of all the family dinners we had and the holidays we spent together when we were kids. It was always fun to get together. I know how hard it is and how much he will be missed. Keep your memories close to your heart and he will always be close to you. Love to you and God Bless!

    Ann Finlan Freberg
    Marquette, MI

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